Chapter 2

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Netflix & chill out dude.

I wake up to the sound of someone singing TØP in the shower & let out a slight giggle.
I roll out of bed and walk out into the kitchen where I see Scott and Kristen.

"Madeline! This is my girlfriend Kristen" he says motioning me to come closer
Kristen was tan, tall and beautiful

"Hi, nice to meet you" I say to Kristen with a smile

"Omg! I love your ring, is it from Michael Kors?" Kristen asks

"Yep, I just bought it on the weekend" I say showing it off

Our nice conversation was cut of by a boy running into the kitchen with only a very very small towel wrapped around his waist. He was tanned and very built, I tried my best to stop staring at his abs but it was difficult.

"Scott did you use all my sham-" his voice trails of when his eyes meet mine and his cheeks turn the slightest red
"Um never mind" he says awkwardly before leaving the kitchen

I look back at Scott and Kristen with a confused look on my face before muttering "wh-who is that?!"

"That's Todd, he's your other roommate" Scott explains

"Hot right?" Kristen adds before being lightly shoved by Scott "I'm kidding" she adds before she grabs his face and kisses him

I stand there awkwardly while they kiss until I hear someone enter the room, I swiftly turn around to see Todd, now fully dressed.

"Sorry for the weird first impression, I'm Todd" he says putting his hand out for me to shake it

I shake his hand "Madeline"

"Do you guys wanna order pizza and watch horror movies tonight? Jason is out of town so we won't have to worry about him getting scared of them" Kristen says trying not to laugh

"Sure I'd love to, but I'm going to go get more comfortable" I say exiting the kitchen and walking towards my room

I change out of my floral dress into some salt & pepper roots pants and a tight spaghettini string top then I sit down on my bed and go on my mac book.

Time flys by and I'm completely zoned out on my lap top that I don't notice Todd admiring my room until he speaks

"Madeline, the pizza is here"

I quickly jar my head in his direction "sorry I didn't even notice you there"

I get up and follow him out into the living room where a see Scott and Kristen curled up looking for a movie to watch on Netflix

I sit beside Kristen and Todd sits beside me, I grab a slice of pizza and wait for Scott to pick a movie

"Is Oculus good?" Scott asks

"Scary" I respond

"Guess we're watching it then" he clicks play and snuggles in with Kristen

For my first day being here I can tell that I'm going to like it here.

Half way through the movie Todd falls asleep and I feel him slowly start leaning on me, I'm the only one awake until Scott and Kristen get up to go to bed

"Psst! Scott" I say hushed "what do I do?"

Scott just smiled and walked away carrying the sleeping Kristen.
I scoff as he walks away.

"Todd?" I say as I poke him and he just snores "um I'm kinda tired and-" I pause because I realize he's too far gone but if I move he's going to fall off the couch. I continue watch the movie until I fall asleep.

-skip to next morning-

I open my eyes to unfamiliar surroundings and I begin to panic, I sit up and look around the room until I notice Todd sleeping on the floor.
I get out of bed and walk over to him and crouch down and poke him gently

"Todd?" I say

He opens his eyes then smiles and stretches his arms

"Quick question?" I ask

I help him up off the floor and he sits on the bed

"Go ahead" he says giving me a head nod

"Why was I sleeping in your bed? Like not that I have a problem with it I just uhhh... what I'm trying to say is I have my own room and bed to sleep in so i don't know why I'm in here" I say awkwardly rubbing my arm

"I woke up and finished the movie, you were asleep on the couch so I carried you in here and I didn't want you to freak out because you woke up beside a stranger therefore I slept on the floor" he says smiling at me

"Why didn't you just bring me to my room though?" I ask

"I was too scared of the movie and there was no room on Scott and Kristen's bed for me.." I watch as he scratches the back of his head out of embarrassment then looks up at me and gives me a cheesy smile

I just laugh and leave the room.

Madeline met Todd this chapter, let the fun begin;)
Hope ya liked it! Xoxo

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