Chapter 12

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The truth hurts but lies kill.

•Madeline's POV•

I wake up from a terrible nightmare, Jack was being abusive & he wouldn't stop. I decide to go for a drive then get some lunch to get my mind off of it.

I get to a little cafe and walk inside, I look up at the menu admiring all the options I have when something catches my attentions out of the corner of my eye.

It's Jack! He's sitting alone at a table. I quickly run over and tap him on the shoulder with a giant smile plastered on my face.

He turns to and looks at me with a confused look "Madeline, what are you doing here?" He asks basically stunned

"What do you mean? You're the one whose supposed to be in Canada right now!" I laugh but he doesn't laugh with me

All of a sudden a girl comes to the table and sits down across from Jack, it's Catherine.

"Are you ch-cheating on me?" I mumble while tears fill my eyes

"Madi what are you talking about?!" He asks "you broke up with me remember?"

I look at the ground, no I don't remember.
I burst into tears and run out of the cafe and climb into my car.

How could I forget? Why can't I remember? What's wrong with me?

That's when it hits me, I know how I can try to remember. I start my engine and rush home. I run inside and into my room. I once again examine the dent in the wall and that's when it all comes back.

Jack abused me.

I was in the hospital because he smashed my head against the wall.

And Todd lied to me when I needed the truth the most.

I cried and cried until I couldn't breathe. I feel worthless, betrayed and broken.

I write Todd a note saying my goodbye.

I wipe my tears and stubble into the hallway then into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I sit on the floor and sob some more, I lost my boyfriend & I can't even trust my best friend.

I stand up and open the cupboard, I grab my prescription pills for my contusion, I dump the whole container out into my hands, I sit back down on the floor and cry staring at the pills.

•Todd's POV•

I get home and walk into Madeline's room, I see a piece of paper with my name on it, I pick it up and start reading as my eyes fill with tears;

Dear Todd,
I'm sorry, I don't want to leave you but I'm shattered inside. My trust has been broken. I want you to love life and know I'm always with you. I love you Todd and I'm so sorry. You were the only person I had and I'm so thankful for that.

I run out of her room and scream her names with no reply. I hear sobbing coming from the bathroom and try to open the door but she locked it.

"Madeline open the door!" I yell banging on the door "please Mads open it!"

I hear her cry louder and louder but she's not responding to me. I back up and run slamming my body into the door loosening the lock, I swing the door open to see Madeline sitting on the floor sobbing with multiple pills in her hand.

I run over and hit the pills out of her hand as she sobs even harder. I wrap my arms around her and I don't let go. She kicks and screams trying to get loose.

"What did you do!" She screams "let me go Todd, I can't do this anymore"

I let go over but I grab her face with both my hands making her turn her head and look at me.

"Madeline listen to me, you don't have to do this, I'm right here." I say as I look into her tear filled eyes "What's wrong?"

"I-I-I remember everything Todd, I know you lied and I know what Jack did" she sobs

"Oh Mads" I pull her into a hug letting her cry on my shoulder as I rub her back

"I love you Mads & I will never let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise." I say softly

She pulls away from the hug and looks me in the eyes "I love you too Todd."

At that I stand up and pick her up carrying her to my room and laying her in my bed, I tuck her in then I sit next to her and grab her hand.

"You're going to be okay and everything is going to be okay. You're not going to worry about this on your wedding day when you marry the over of your life ok? Also you're not allowed to leave this room until I know you're okay." I tell her and she nods and squeezes my hand

"Thank you Todd, I wouldn't be here without you." She says smiling at me still crying

The scary part is... she isn't lying.

Writing this chapter played with my feelings lol

Just a disclaimer this chapter isn't meant to trigger anyone or offend anyone, it's just part of a story.

Please always know you are always worth it and there's a brighter tomorrow I promise. And if you are ever in a situation where you feel like suicide or self harm is the only options please call the number below, thank you

National suicide prevention lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

I hope you enjoyed! XoXo

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