Chapter 10

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As long as you remember me.

•Todd POV•

I'm sitting with Madeline in my arms on her bed. I swear if I see Jack I'm going to kill him for hurting her, these past 5 months have shown me how strong and loving Madeline is so the fact that he would hurt her doesn't sit right with me.

I watch as she pulls her sleeve up revealing all the bruises.
All of a sudden I feel Madeline's body go limp, I look over at her and she unconscious.

I lay her on her bed and shake her shoulders "Madeline, cmon Madeline!" I put my head to her chest and hear her heart beating, it was slow but still beating "wake up! C'mon Mads get up!"

"Scott! Kristen!" I scream blinking back the tears that are welling in my eyes

Scott burst through the door with Kristen by his side, he looks at Madeline lying on her bed then looks at me in shock

"It was jack l-last night then today she passed out in my arms and now she's unresponsive" I explain while trying not to freakout

"I'm calling 911" Kristen says rushing out of the room

Soon the paramedics come into Madeline's room and carry her out on a stretcher, I wanted to go into the ambulance with her but only family members were allowed and since none were around she went alone.

I got in my car and followed the ambulance to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, I sat in the waiting room patiently waiting for the doctor with updates.

What if she never wakes up? What if I can never tell her how I feel? I'm going to kill Jack! I want to call a family member because she always talks about how loving her family is but I don't have their numbers or anything. She needs to wake up.

"Mr. Todd Smith?" I hear someone say as I look up I see a doctor with a clipboard, i assume this is Madeline's doctor

"Yes that's me sir" I say standing up and biting my thumb nervously

"Madeline has a Contusion, most patients get these when there is some trauma to the head, we have run a CAT and MRI, the contusion will most likely heal itself once she wakes up and gets on some antibiotics." He explains "but if she doesn't wake up she can slip into a coma. Also if she wakes up she may suffer from immobilizing headaches, tiredness, insomnia, loss of memory, difficulty concentrating and trouble speaking."

"I understand, can I see her now?" I ask looking at the doctor who clearly feels bad

"I need to ask you a question first, it's a requirement when someone in her condition comes in" he says with his look turn from sympathetic to serious

"A-anything doctor" I stutter

"Were you the person who abused her?" He asked

"No, it was her boyfriend well ex-boyfriend, I found her this morning and I was with her when she passed out" I explain starting to tear up in the process

"Okay son, I believe you. I'll take you to see her" he says turning towards the hall

"Wait, have you called her family?" I ask

He turns around to me and begins to speak "no, Madeline's parents passed away in a car accident 2 years ago and she is an only child"

I couldn't believe it, she never told me. I followed the doctor to her room, she looked almost lifeless and it hurts so much to see her like this.

I walk over to the bed and sit beside it, I hold her hands and look at her face, it's pale but peaceful..she's not hurting right now

"Mads listen to me, you have to wake up ok? I need you here." I say gripping her hand tighter "I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again, I promise"

I stand up to leave the room wiping my tears from my cheeks.

"T-Todd?" I hear a small voice behind me as I turn around and see Madeline smiling at me

I run over to her with tears rushing from my eyes "oh Mads I'm so happy you're okay" I say as I kiss her forehead

"What happened?" She asks "why am I here?"

She looks at me confused, I don't think she remembers what Jack did. I watch as she glances at her arm and her eyes go wide.

"Why am I covered in bruises?!" She says looking up at me as tears fill her eyes "Todd tell me!"

"What do you remember?" I ask looking away from her

"I got home from the bar with Jack then I fell asleep." She says looking at me still confused "where is Jack right now?"

She doesn't remember Jack hitting her or anything, I don't want to lie but I don't want her to break all over again.

"Jack is out of town for a month." I lie "you were sleep walking and fell down the stairs to the basement"

"Oh" she says then smiles "clumsy me"

We laugh then the guilt sinks in.

Madeline has woken up!!
Todd lied to save her but what will happen when she finds out?
Hope you enjoyed!! XoXo

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