Chapter 11

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Don't think about him.

•Todd's POV•

I bring Madeline home and carry her into the house and into her room, I lay her down in her bed. I smile down at her as she smiles back at me but my smile disappears when I hear his name.

"When's Jack coming home?" She asks "and when did he go?"

I look away from her trying to think of a quick lie.
"I told you Mads, he's gone for a month" I lie once again "and uhhh he's in Canada"

"Canada?" She asks confused

"Yep he wanted maple syrup & stuff" I laugh making her laugh with me.

"You should get some rest Mads" I say as I pull a blanket over her and kissing her forehead "I'm putting your meds on the shelf in our bathroom, take two when you wake up"

She nods with a smiles before curling up in bed, my god she's cute. I leave her room closing the door gently behind me and walking into Scott's room.

"Is she okay?!" Kristen rushed of and asks with worried written all over her

I explain to Scott and Kristen what the doctor told me and I told them to let everyone else know she's perfectly fine... except for one thing.

"What's the one thing Todd?" Scott asks

"She doesn't remember what Jack did" I say looking at my feet

"Well you told her right?" Kristen questions

"Uhhh no" I say looking up at them "she was happy and smiling... I-I couldn't do it"

I know what I did was selfish but I couldn't hurt her, when I walked into her room this morning she was broken and I couldn't rebreak her.

"Todd! What if she finds out?" Scott exclaims

"She can't! You guys can't tell her ok? Not until she's better" I beg them

"Todd she's my friend!" Kristen snaps at me

"She my best friend Kristen, I'll tell her when she's ready I promise" I say glaring at her before leaving the room

-skip to later in the evening-

I grab 2 pills for Madeline and a glass over water, I walk into her room and wake her up by holding her hand.

She mumbles before yawning and stretching her arms.

"Todd where's my phone? I wanna text Jack" she asks with a cute smile spread across her face

"You can't!" I respond quickly


"He uhhh left his phone at home" I lie again

I hand her the pills and water, after swallowing them I grab her hand and help her up. We walking into the living room to eat pizza with Scott & Kristen.

Madeline sits down and picks up a slice of pizza, she tells Kristen about the hot doctor at the hospital.

"I haven't eaten pizza since me and Jack went to this really cool pizza parlour and after we got ice cream and he dropped his on his new shoes" she tells us and starts giggling, I can tell she really loves Jack & I'm not looking forward to letting her down.

After dinner and a movie, I head to bed reminding Madeline that if she needs me, I'm across the hall.

•Madeline's POV•

I walk into my room and sit on my bed, I look around and see a dent in that wall. I stand up and I run my fingers along it and I have deja vu but I can't completely figure out why.

I lay down on my bed and begin to day dream
*day dream*
Me and Jack are laying in bed, we're spooning and I feel his hands pulling me closer and closer

"I miss you" I whisper smiling as the words leave my mouth

"I miss you too" says a voice that doesn't belong to Jack

I turn around to reveal I'm cuddling with Todd but instead of leaving, I crash my lips on to his.
*day dream over*

I quickly snap out of it, why Todd? I get up and change into my favourite Pyjamas and curl up in bed watching David's vlogs before falling asleep.

Posting this today because next chapter is going to be intense!!
I'll give you a hint

She remembers
Hope you enjoyed!! XoXo

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