Chp. 48 "It's a Date"

Start from the beginning

I just wanted to see her smile again.

~ ~ ~ ~

I awoke feeling quite hot and disoriented, but I soon realized it was because Avery was wrapped around my torso on top of her bed. I figured it would be easier to just move all of my stuff in here but I couldn't, it wasn't like this room was big enough to house one teenage girl, much less two.

I leaned over; glancing at the clock that revealed it was only five in the morning. I knew the doctors would be switching shifts at this time and the lab would be near empty, so I shook Avery awake. She groaned in protest but soon her body began to wake up and move against me. She was damp with light sweat as she sat up and looked at me, "Why did you wake me up?"

I smiled, getting up off of her bed and holding out my hand, "I want to show you something."

She seemed a tad annoyed with me, but I didn't care, I wanted to take her out of this horrible room. In the three days I had been here I had done a lot of exploring and was actually brave enough to explore the emergency stairwell that led you to the very top of the building.

I pulled her carefully off of her bed as she fixed her hair, following close behind me as I punched in the code to open the door. It unsealed, and closed behind us, sealing back. Avery whispered, "Where are we going at five in the morning?"

I whispered, "Be quiet, it's a surprise."

"Don't tell me to be quiet. You know I'm not supposed to be out the room without that God-awful suit."

I turned to her, kissing her lightly on the lips, "That's why I need you to be quiet, so we don't get caught."

I pulled her to the emergency exit stairwell, helping her up the stairs considering she was a little more in pain than yesterday. I could've taken the elevator but that didn't give you direct access to the top of the building, but the stairwell did.

We made it up two painful flights of stairs and I opened the door, revealing a dimly lit morning in Buffalo, New York. The air was damp with morning dew but other than that it was as clear as it could be, and the sun was just starting to rise.

The scene was perfect; we were looking over a vast lake that was surrounded with trees and other vegetation. This Bureau was huge; it stood six stories high and seemed to be the length of two football fields, so of course they had to own a thick piece of land. It was built in the middle of nowhere too, but it was only logical to do that considering what they did in the first place.

Avery's hand was holding onto mine tightly, and I led her slowly to the edge of the building's roof. I had discovered this yesterday morning when I couldn't find any sleep within me, and found myself walking for hours through the Bureau. Thus, I stumbled onto the roof and watched the sunrise, and it was something I really wanted Avery to see, and I wanted to be standing right next to her when she did.

She seemed to breathe a little better, and I knew it was because she hadn't seen the outside world in almost four days.

I sat Avery on the ledge of the building; looking at her while she looked down six stories to the ground. She looked at me, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Or is being diagnosed with the BD3 not enough for you?"

I smiled reassuringly, "I wanted to take you out that room, and I wanted you to see the sunrise. It's beautiful."

She nearly whispered, "You're beautiful."

I looked at her, feeling a sense of happiness wash over as I looked into her mesmerizing eyes. I never got tired of her, ever, and it pained me knowing that she was suffering. I knew it was going to get worse, much worse, and I didn't know how I was going to cope with it. How would I be able to stand the image of her dying body, and what if we didn't make enough progress in time to save her?

Avery must've seen the look in my eyes because in that instant she smiled, "Andy, I trust you."

I shook my head, feeling the weight of the world rest on my shoulders. "What if they can't find a cure in time Avery? How am I gonna-"

"Stop," she cut me off, leaning into kiss me softly on the lips. I felt my heart melt and ache at the same time, knowing in that moment that I was completely in love with this girl. From the first day I had seen her she had caught my eye, and she had managed to draw me in completely without speaking a word to me until the end of the school year. I had studied the way she was every day, and I realized that she was something special, even though she never realized it herself. She was modest, beautiful, and a selfless person that had been so driven and passionate. Those were a couple of the many reasons I fell for her so hard. I was never going to find someone else like Avery Ryan, and I wanted to keep her mine forever.

"This is the best date you've taken me on."

"This is a date?"

Her eyes switched to me and rolled, allowing herself to smile, "Yes, I consider it a date, because for once it's just me and you."

I kissed her lips once more, "Then it's a date."

I swung my legs over the other side of the building, letting them hang freely while Avery stayed on the other side of the ledge. She mumbled, "You're going to fall."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you will. You're the clumsiest person I've ever met."

I looked at her, smiling, "Even if I did fall, I'd be ok."

"It would hurt like a bitch though."

"You're right."

"I'm always right."

I stared at her, shaking my head and swinging my legs back on the other side of the ledge to join Avery. Having mixed feelings about everything was tiresome, especially when they involve your girlfriend.

I was always the type of person who fell easily, and I had to be careful not to do that all my life. I had been hurt multiple times, and I learned from my mistakes not to get close to people. It was one reason I didn't have many friends besides Avery, Max, and Gage. Then Avery comes along and ruins that, stepping right over all the walls and the insecurities as if they didn't exist.

And I fell hard for her.

Now we were here, at the Protection Bureau and she was infected with the BD3. I had finally opened myself up to someone again, fallen in love with them, and this bullshit happens. I must've been cursed with bad luck, and I then involuntarily spread it upon other people.

I checked my phone, seeing that it was nearly six in the morning now, and I needed to get her back to her room. I sighed, wrapping my arm around her tiny waist that seemed thinner than last time, "Let's get back to your cube."

"Are you meeting with Henson today?"

I nodded, knowing that we would have to get some serious work done today, and the conversation I stumbled upon yesterday came to mind. I made a note in my brain to ask Henson, and to pry as much information out of him while I could this morning.

But for now I would enjoy Avery's semi-normal company, knowing that soon I wouldn't be able to do this with her for much longer.


Hey guys, hope you all are enjoying the story! I'm working super hard on it and enjoying every second! My first year of college is almost over and I will have more and more time to dedicate to this story, so stay tuned! Happy Reading! Also, please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! It is really appreciated :)

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