25. Full Blood Moon

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"Then take me to someone who can answer my question, " April spoke through clenched teeth.

"I cannot do that either," Ariel mumbled.

"You don't want to help me? Fine! I will find my way. You know what, I am tired. I've had enough of my life going in circles," April spat icily and with newfound determination, she stood up and started walking towards the front door. She will get answers which she has the right to know.

"April, just because I can't tell you that doesn't mean I can't show it to you," Ariel replied as she slowly looked up with a smirk on her face. Her eyes flashed gold but only for a moment before April could blink her eyes it was gone.

"Get ready, I will make sure the coast is clear, " Ariel walked out. For the first time since she met Ariel, April found her behaviour weird today. Ariel said she was human just like her then why did her eyes flashed gold and she ordered April as if she was superior to her. There was something amiss in this whole scenario.

April shook her head and headed towards the bathroom.

"Ow, my feet!" April let out a painful whisper as they walked down the dusty and dark tunnel.

"Shh, you need to be quiet," Ariel reprimanded her as she continued to walk through a dark and narrow tunnel.

"Where are we?" April squinted her eyes to see, but she was met with nothing but darkness.

"Be quiet," Ariel tried to shush her as she focused on something.

" I can't see anything, " April whined like a child. How could Ariel walk so properly was beyond her? April had stubbed her toe, at least, ten times.

"Shh, we are almost there," Ariel tried to pacify April.

"Where is this " there"?!" April questioned sassily as she followed Ariel and soon stumbled in dim lightroom. Ariel murmured something under her breath, and all the torches in the room started burning. The room was one big gigantic library. It had more than ten thousand books in the chamber, and it had three floors to it.

It was gigantic that April thought she would grow old just to complete one floor. It was every girl's who loved to read living a dream. April's lips formed an O-shaped symmetry as she took in her surroundings.

She turned to Ariel who was looking towards the tunnel suddenly she said, " I will get you back from this place in two hours; Please be quite. "

"How am I supposed to find anything in here?" April asked looking at her incredulously.

"This place will take years for me to search everything I want to know," April retorted.

"This is where magic becomes your best friend, April. You are not in a normal world now. You are in a place which is confined by magic. Just think of a book and the book shall present itself in front of you. Hurry! Don't waste time. Remember for two hours. No more," Ariel informed and soon ran out inside the tunnel.

"OK," April whispered to herself.

She closed her eyes and thought about the full blood moon.

She felt the air around slowly moving and soon she saw a book on the table open with the image of the moon in red colour. Soon, she started flipping the pages of the book and stopped where she saw a wolf howling towards the moon which suddenly disappeared which means it was about the full blood moon. It was written in their native language and April let out a frustrated sigh, and the April let out a gasp of surprise as she could read it.

The Full Blood Moon.

After completion of fifty summers, the power of the moon on her creature grows stronger. It was the day when the Ajbo was created. It was the day of a full moon when the moon bathed herself in the blood of an innocent.

The moon was cursed of turning scarlet representing the blood of innocent for seven moon's appearances which would come after every fifty summers.

The day when was justice was done is called "The Full Blood Moon" The Goddess was punished for her folly.

The curse comes to power with each passing day and reaching its peak on the seventh day at the stroke of midnight.

Turning the firstborn of Lycan in a blood-lusting animal. The curse of the moon is tremendous on a beast as he shall hunt in her light.

He shall forget who he is, what he is. He will become a killer by night and prisoner of his own guilt by day.

For every sin committed by the mother, a child will pay the price.

The Moon was cursed along with her beastly children, the wolf, unless he finds the power to control his beast.

The moon-faced sun's wrath because of her foolishness causing the moon to disappear for a night, but before that night, the wolf inside the man will annihilate everything in its sight.

The beast will only stop when his keeper, his mate,  arrives who shall release the Beast from his curse.

April closed the book and realised one thing, the only way to stop Gabriel's beast from killing innocent was by making Gabriel take control of his beast and find his keeper, but the question was how she would be able to do that?

How do I find his mate?

Author's note
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Poor April doesn't know Gabriel's keeper is. Do you know who is his keeper? Help her find his keeper.

Kshama Hasmukh Doshi

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