Chapter 79

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I glance around at all their faces. Mark's jaw is basically on the floor, Jay just looks like he always does and Dougie squints his eyes at me. Almost as if he's thinking I'm lying. I wish one of them would just say something. Please, someone just say something. Anything!

''What do you mean, mate?'' Dougie finally says to me.

''It's a long story so just bear with me, yeah?'' I say softly and they all nod their heads.

''OK, well it basically started that night we met with the tour guy on New Year's Day, then we went out for a night out and went to Raffles nightclub in Chelsea, remember?''

They all nod as before, signalling me to carry on.

''Well, we went to the night club and I was approached by this guy. He said he was a fan and wanted to buy me a drink or whatever. So I just went along with it as normal. Big mistake''

I take a deep breath before continuing.

''So, then I started to feel really drunk all of a sudden and thought I was going to get sick, so I went to the bathroom, but fortunately I didn't throw up, so I came back out and told ye I wasn't feeling too well and went out to grab a taxi home''

''Yeah, yeah I remember all that'' Jay pipes up.

''Then what happened, Gaz?'' Mark says placing his hand on my arm in support as they can see that this is a little bit emotional for me to tell them, especially the fact that it happened almost 5 months ago now.

''Well as I was leaving, I was hit in the stomach and then again on the side of my head and I was unconscious or somewhere close to it. I heard these voices and one of them was the same guy as before saying they were going to do something to me or whatever. Anyway, I was dragged out the club as they pretended to be my friends and all that to fool the bouncers''

I shudder at the sheer of it. I didn't think this would be so hard to relive.

''Mate, you don't have to do this if it's too hard to relive it, Gaz'' Jay says as he pats me on the back.

''No, no, no. Ye need to know about this, guys''

They all nod again and listen up.

''I was carried out to a car and was thrown in the boot when I heard a voice. It was all like, 'Get away from him' or something like that. Then I heard a fight and then I was picked up out of the boot and brought to a hospital. It was Robbie who saved me''

They all gasp slightly before Mark said,

''How did Robbie know where you or should I say, we were?''

He motions to all four of us and then I told him about what happened when I saw him that morning when I was out for my run and stuff.

''Then the next thing I knew was that I woke up in his house in Los Angeles'' I chuckle out the last bit as I remind myself of that morning when I freaked out on him in the bedroom.

''Then he explained it all to me and to be honest I freaked out on him when I was told I woke up in L.A after going out in Chelsea, but he told me why and then it sank in. He seemed genuinely worried about me and he said the only reason he was at the club was to apologise for earlier in the day as he was flying home the next day as it was. He said I was drugged by the guys and had a doctor on board who did tests and said I would be fine''

I take a deep breath after all that and they all look at me like I had ten heads.

''Why did you tell us not to freak out, mate?'' Jay asks laughing slightly.

''It''s just that it happened nearly 5 months ago and I kept it from you guys and I'm sorry, I just thought ye would hate me for that'' I put my elbows on the table and put my head in my hands and exhale heavily.

''Hey, hey, hey, mate. None of that. None of that stuff'' Markie says as he gets up and wraps his arms around me from the back and hugs me tightly.

I lean back into the hug as the other lads come around also and hug me, offering their support.

''Nonsense Gaz, mate. Obviously it was going to be a big deal and be emotional when you and Rob met again and, yes it was unfortunate that those were the circumstances, but that's life. You can't control how everything happens. As much as you try to, Captain B!'' he says, winking at me cheekily.

I breath out heavily as I realize that I have all of their support. They seem made up for me. There's no point stopping now.

''Another thing though, guys. When I went to Dubai with Michelle, we came home and I got a phone call saying that Rob was in an accident in London. He was in town to film an interview about his tour or something like that and I was apparently his emergency contact. Strange but anyway, I went down there and they said I needed to donate blood so he could live and I was the same blood type fortunately as we both have a really rare blood type'' I say as I meet all of their eyes once more.

Mark looks seriously frightened listening to this.

''I donated the blood and he ended up being fine and he came to stay with me for a few days so he could recover properly as he had a few broken ribs also from the crash. He freaked out on me the next day and I could tell something was troubling him, but he wouldn't tell me. Nothing''

I wipe away a tear as all of the memories come flooding back.

''He left and about about a week later I got a letter from him saying that he's afraid of us being mates again as he knows all the stuff from the past will be brought up in the press and he was afraid that it could possibly drive a wedge between us just like last time''

''So what did you do, mate? You went after him, didn't you? When you called and asked if you could have that week off, you flew over there, didn't yeah?'' Jay smiles at me.

''Yeah, I did. Paul came with me and we surprised Rob at the house and a trip to Hawaii for three nights. We had a great laugh and we had a proper chat about everything. Saying that we would handle everything together and that one day, hopefully he could maybe meet ye guys to say sorry''

I look up at the other guys and I can just tell they are dying to see him again also.

''He's absolutely terrified about it though, because of what has happened in the past''

''Well there's no doubt we'll all have to have a chat with him, but I think I can speak for the three of us here, that everything will work itself out, won't it lads?'' Markie says as he eyes the other two and they nod repeatedly.

''Actually, when you think of it that way, I have just had a massive brainwave with regards to the tour'' Dougie smiles at us all.

''Have you got Robbie's number, Gaz?'' he asks me.

''Yeah I think so...'' I mumble as I flick through my contact and find him there.

''Yep, I do indeed''

''Great. I've an amazing idea for Could It Be Magic, a really good idea'' he winks at us before sitting back down.

What is he planning?

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