A reunion

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*Sparky's POV*

They tied my hands together and dragged me to a car and started driving

What these assholes didn't know is a carry around a small knife since that day

I quietly cut the ropes to my hands and realized they made the mistake of not locking the door

I have two options here...

Jump out...

Or kill them...

There will be another time...

I jump out of the car and dart into a tall patch of grass

About 5 minutes after they drove off and I jogged for Mangle's house

*Foxy's POV*

I slowly wake up to see Mangle looking down at me...

As my eyes widened so did her's

Mangle: Foxy you're okay...

Foxy: Yeah I'm alright, are you?

Mangle: Yeah I'm fine

She's been crying, I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek

Foxy: I'm not going to let him hurt you I promise

Mangle: ...

Foxy: Mangle

She looked me in the eyes with tears in her's

This time I kissed her on the lips and hugged tighter

Mangle: Foxy... This is all my fault... He's after me... I don't want you to get hurt because of me again...

Foxy: Mangle, if I get hurt, it's because I fight for you, and no matter what I'll always fight for you...

Mangle: F-Foxy...

Foxy: I love you

Mangle then cried into my chest and hugged me really tight

Mangle: I love you too... Thank you Foxy, for coming into my life

Foxy: Thank you too

*Lolbit's POV*


Please remember me one day....

I love you with all my heart please.....

Help me...
Remember me...

Love me...

As tears started forming in my eyes I hear a knock on my door...

Lolbit: C-come in...

I then see Sparky walk in and a flicker of hope lights inside me

Sparky: I heard my girl missed me...

Lolbit: Sparky... Y-you remember me?...

Sparky: Of course I do

Tears of joy run down my face as I launch out of my bed and hug him tightly

Lolbit: SPARKY!!

Sparky: Shhh I'm here Lolbit, It's okay

Lolbit: I thought you would never remember me

Sparky: Well I do

Lolbit: I was so-

He interrupted me by kissing me

God I missed his kisses

And his hugs

God I just missed him in general

Sparky: I love you

Lolbit: I love you too

A/N: sorta a romance chap :P
Lol idk writer's block is hitting me so I might not update as much as usual

Together Forever (Foxy x Mangle high school)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz