The Final Countdown

283 11 21

*Foxy's POV*

Sparky: Well we are here

This house...


Why here...

I ignored the thoughts being shot around my head and walk up to the door kicking it down

Marionette: So much for being stealthy

Fuck being stealthy, Mangle is my top priority

The house was silent not including the creaking coming from the steps as we walked up them

2 doors

Me and Sparky took the door at the far end and Freddy and Marionette took the side door

Sparky: On the count of three




We kicked down the door to reveal Mangle passed out on the floor and to my right...

A very familiar face...

He launched a knife at me but luckily I was able to put my arm up, not luckily it slid into my arm

I head-butted him causing him to stumble back and I ripped the knife out

???: Hahaha hello Foxy

Foxy: Hello...


Together Forever (Foxy x Mangle high school)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin