Mangled run in (part 2)

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I arrive at school a tad late, ugh. I was going to try to be on time today since it was the first day. Hey is that Sparky? It is!

I run over to Sparky and bring him into a huge hug. "Sparky! I missed you so much, how was your summer?"

"Hehe, I missed you too Mangle, my summer was good" he said hugging back.

"Heh, good to hear, c'mon let's get to class" I said grabbing his wrist and pulling him twords first period.

"Heh yeah, I have someone you should meet.

What did that mean? Oh well, knowing Sparky he's probably just planning a surprise or something.

Sooner or later, me and Sparky made it to homeroom. I looked around and chose a desk in the back.

That's when I saw him.

Was it really him?

Was it really Foxy?

"F-foxy" I called his name but he didn't realize.

*Foxy's pov*
Her name kept repeating in my head... Could Mangle actually be here.
I remember when we were young, I admit.
I liked her... Hell I liked her alot.
I was going to tell her the day after we moved, but we moved... Unexpectedly...
And I left my poor Mangle there alone.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see who it was... And Bam.

Same white hair
Same one gold eye
Same shy look

It was Mangle.

We spent a solid 30 seconds looking into each other's eyes.

I finally broke our silence by getting up and hugging her tightly and she hugged back even tighter.

"F-foxy is it really y-you"
She was tearing up by the second

"Yeah Mangle, it's me, I'm so happy to see you again"

Seeing Mangle again.
It made me so happy.

I could hear her softly crying with joy into my chest.

I myself was about to cry.

"M-mangle I'm so sorry for leaving, I didn't know that I was going to"

"Foxy, it's okay, I'm with you again and that's all that matters to me"

I felt a light blush creep on to my face.

"I see you two know each other"
Sparky asked confused

"Yeah, Foxy was my greatest friend back in Arkansas"

(Robert here, I forget to mention Mangle earlier, yes they were best friends)

"Well ain't this a lovely reunion"

Damn his sarcasm

"Hehe I think you two would make a cute couple" he said before walking off.

Me and Mangle were both left blushing like hell

I wish we were a couple...

A/N: hey guys, what a chapter huh? I know that you guys know what's about to happen...

Or do you?...
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