A bad return

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*Foxy's POV*

So today was the day we finally went back to school after what's happened...

Sparky hacked into the school's roster...

SpringTrap and FredBear were still enrolled here...

The security was upped...

There were more cameras...

Almost like a damn prison...

Sparky: C'mon guys, let's regroup with the others.

Lolbit: You know where they are?

Sparky: Freddy said everyone is by the fountain.

Foxy: Alright, let's go.

I look to Mangle who was lightly shaking.

Lolbit: Sis are you alright?

Mangle: ...

I hug her tightly and kiss her forehead.

Foxy: Mangle, you don't have to be afraid, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again, I promise.

She looked up at me and nodded, so I took her hand and we started walking twords the fountain.

As soon as the others saw us they ran twords us and hugged us all

Bon Bon: Holy crap are you guys okay?!

Marionette: We heard about everything that happened, are you guys okay?

Funtime Foxy: We were so worried!!!

Sparky: Guys we're alright calm down.

Sparky spent a full 30 minutes explaining what happened and reassuring everyone the we were okay.

As soon as the bell rang we all shared one more hug and then me, Mangle, and Sparky walked to first period.

Poor Sparky and Lolbit, they have to wait till 3rd to see each other again.

*In class*


Like a million beating eyes staring at us...

Even the teacher...

We didn't do anything...

They only stared and whispered...

We can't take much more of this...

Just then the bell went off and we bolted out of that akward class, sure enough it happened next period too...

Luckily that class wasn't very long, now let's link up with Lolbit.

Wait where is she?...

We waited a full 5 Minutes to try and find her...

But we never could...

Not during 3rd, not during 4th, lunch, Gym, no where.....

That was until we did find her.....

In a closet...

Covered in her own blood...

Not moving...

Holding a sign...

It read:

Too bad I had to hurt our sister huh Mangle?

Not again..........

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