One less problem

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*Foxy's POV*

Foxy: You know why I'm here

Foxy's dad: Oh, that bitch over there, hahaha I knew you would
come haha

Foxy: Why are you doing this?

Foxy's dad: Revenge

Those hallucinations...
All of this...

I'm not letting him do shit...
Not to Mangle...

Just then, I felt a cold barrel pressed against my head...

Chica: Hehe hello Foxy

Foxy: You fucking cowards

Sparky: Foxy... Freddy and Marionette are knocked out...
I can't move... He'll shoot

I can't even look to him

Sparky: What do we do?

Foxy: When I open the window, take him and I'll take Chica

Foxy's dad: Why son, have you gone insane?

Foxy: Just about

I threw the smoke bomb from Sparky's house onto the ground blurring Chica's, Fredbear's, and my Father's vision, I heard Sparky go to work on FredBear while I grabbed the gun out of Chica's hand, shot her in the leg and FredBear fell onto her, and stabbed her

FredBear: Oh shit Chica I'm sorry... CHICA?!

No answer...

She's dead

I turned to my Father and threw him out of the window

This isn't over

I walk to the window and look to my friends for possibly the last time, and then I jump out...

A/N: Oh and im going to work on the next chapter right now

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