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*Foxy's POV*

Pitch Black... I don't see anything...

Am I even alive?...

I can't move...

Mangle... I want to fight for you...



With a push of energy I shot my eyes open to be hit by the blinding lights in the room

Within a few seconds my eyes adapted to the light and it was easier to see

I felt something warm on my hand

I look down to find another hand wrapped around mine tight

I look to my left to find my beautiful girl asleep

I slowly get out of the bed and gently laid her down on it, and held her hand again

For a few minutes, I just sat there staring at her, she looks so beautiful all the time, even when she sleeps

I grab my phone off the table and enter the group chat between me and the others

Sparky: God damn, 3 days man, he must've lost a whole lot of energy or something to be out for this long

Freddy: Really though

Micheal: Hey Lolbit, isn't Mangle still over there?

Lolbit: Yeah, she never left

Marionette: Damn, when is he going to wake up?

Foxy: I'm already up 😅

Marionette: TF

Sparky: Holy Shit YOUR NOT DEAD XD

Freddy: Dude it's so good to hear from you

Michael: We thought your ass was gone

Bonnie: It's good to hear from you bud

Foxy: You too Bonnie

Lolbit: Good to hear from you Foxy, is Mangle awake?

Foxy: Not yet, anyways I'll let you guys know when to come over here, but I want some time with Mangle alone so yeah

Sparky: Copy that mate, again good to hear you're still kickin

I chuckled and put my phone down

I then hear mumbling coming from Mangle, and soon her eyes twitched open... Wait, she has two again?

Foxy: You look tired

As soon as she heard my voice her head turned twords me and she launched to me bringing me into a tight hug


She was already crying, but she was joy crying

I start to cry myself and hug back tightly

Foxy: Shh it's okay Mangle I'm right here

Mangle: I thought I was going to lose you

She was now looking me in the eyes, I wiped her tears and kissed her deeply

Foxy: Mangle, I promised you would never lose me ever again, and you won't

Mangle: F-Foxy...

Foxy: Yeah?

Mangle: I LOVE YOU!!!

She kissed me deeply and cried a bit more into my shirt

Foxy: I love you too Mangle!

She hugged tighter and tighter by the minute

After about 2 minutes of crying, she stopped and looked me in the eyes

Foxy: Your really beautiful Mangle, I hope you know that

Mangle started to blush and smile her beautiful smile

Mangle: If you say it then yes I know it

Foxy: Well you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me

Mangle: Aww Foxy hehe, you're making me blush

Foxy: Aww that makes you look even cuter

Mangle: Ugh, just shut up and kiss me

Foxy: Hehe as you wish

I started to kiss her and boy did I want that moment to last forever

Here's to the next couple of years

*???'s POV*
Yes, but those years, could be your last, Hahaha HAHAHAHAHA

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