Mangle's condition

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*Foxy's pov*


Now's not the time to get side tracked, I need to get her to the nurse.

I dashed up the stairs as fast as I could

Mangle... She hasn't moved...

No... I refuse to let her go!

I bursted through the door making the nurse jump.

She quickly came up to Mangle and brought her into a room while I had to stay in the waiting room.

Please dear God please let her be okay... I can't lose Mangle...

Tears have flooded my face.

Chica... Your going to pay for this! Even if it's the last thing I do, you will PAY!

My hands start to shake with fear and anger.

"Umm... Foxy"
It was the nurse.

I stood up and went to her
"Is Mangle okay"
"Is she awake"
"Can I see her"

"Woah slow​ down Foxy, Yes she is going to be okay, Yes she's awake, and Yes you may see her"

She opened the door letting me in and closed it on the way out.

I went and stood over Mangle

Seeing her like this... Pains me...

"F-foxy... Is that you"

Her voice was rather weak...

"Yeah Mangle it's me, are you okay"

"I don't feel okay"

Her response left a hole in my chest.

"Mangle... It's okay-"

"It hurts"

My poor girl, I hate seeing her in pain, physically and emotionally.

"... I know Mangle, but it'll pass, I promise"

After that I saw a small smile appear on her face... Her smile always did look beautiful...

"Thanks Foxy"

Then I feel something wrap around my hand... It was Mangle's... I softly wrap my hand around her's.

I feel my face burning up and I can see Mangle's blushing too...

" I-I have to stay here for two days"

Her smile then turned into a frown.

"But I want to be with you, not cooped up in here"

I lift up her chin so we're eye to eye

"Mangle, it's going to be okay, whenever I get the chance I'll come check on you everyday, I promise"

Then there it was... That smile.

"Thanks Foxy, your the best" ❤

"I'll do anything for you" 💜

I then hear the​ bell ring signaling us to go home... Damnit... I want to spend more time with her though...

"Okay Mangle... I have to go... Sorry"

"It's okay Foxy, as long as I'll see you tomorrow"

"Of course, bye Mangle"

"Bye Foxy... lov-... Uhh... See you tomorrow"

I raise am eyebrow... But just wave goodbye and start for home.

Could Mangle like me?...

A/N yo, things are getting interesting, fangle could be getting stronger, but alas... Chica's not done... And worse... She isn't the only thing to worry about *evil laughter*

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