Finding Chica

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*Foxy's POV*

My mind had a million thoughts running everywhere.

Some of revenge
Some of school
But most... of Mangle

But that's when everything stopped...

Teacher: Chica will you please, stop staring at Foxy and focus on your work?

Both me and Sparky's heads shot up

I catch a girl in a yellow hoodie quickly look away.

Foxy: *whispers* Sparky-

Sparky: *whispers* I see her

I just looked forward while people start to whisper to each other about what happened.

Is this a Dagger I see before me.

I can see it, but can not touch


*Bell rings*

Both me and Sparky shot out of the class as fast as Chica did.

We chased her for about a minute until Sparky was puched by FredBear.

Not this guy.

I see Chica dart behind him.

I help Sparky to his feet and get ready for a fight. He got prepared as well.

Just when we thought that it would be a fair fight, FredBear pulled out a knife and swung down on Sparky.

Luckily I grabbed his arm in time and stole the knife, while Sparky punched him in the face.

Sparky: Foxy... I got this guy... Grab Chica

Chica was pressed against the locker.

I look down at the knife in my hand.

I could kill her... And avenge Mangle myself...

Or I could grab her... And let Mangle down...

What should I do...

The decision is made...

A/N: nice cliff hanger huh?
What will Foxy do?!
You'll have to wait and see.

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