the break down

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Hallucination: Foxy...

Foxy: No, n-no

I took a few steps back but it followed me.

Hallucination: Mangle-

Foxy: No, what the hell do you want with her?!

Hallucination: Revenge!

Everything went pitch black.

Nothing there until I heard Mangle scream.


Mangle: Foxy help!

I looked around fast as possible

I hear Mangle scream one last time... And then I see her... On the ground... Not moving...

I run to her and shake her.

Foxy: Mangle... Mangle please wake up... No... Please...

I felt everything inside me breaking.

Wait... I look up and see the unnatural darkness... I'm still hallucinating...

Mangle's body faded away and I was left in the void on my own...

I felt, saw, and heard nothing...

That was until I heard both Mangle and Sparky

Mangle and Sparky: Foxy!

Sparky: c'mon man snap out of it!

Mangle: Foxy are you alright?!

Sparky: Mangle I don't think he can hear us

I can.

Foxy: guys I'm here!

Silence... They can't hear me, I'm trapped in my self conscious...

I could hear Mangle sobbing.

With that... This instinct turned on and shot me back into reality...

I look around to see a crowd surrounding us and Mangle and Sparky crouched down next to me...

Sparky: Foxy?

I look into Mangle's wet yellow eye and launch into hugging her.

And she straight away hugged back tightly as hell.

Sparky: dude you okay?...

Foxy: ...

Sparky: Foxy?...

Foxy: I don't want to talk about it......

Sparky: alright, are you alright though?...

Foxy: fine...

I think I'm far from fine, I know that it wasn't real but it felt that way... Seeing Mangle's dead body... Even as a hallucination...
It killed me.......

Mangle: F-Foxy are you sure you're okay

I can't lie to her...

Foxy: I-I don't know Mangle....

I stood up at the sound of the  bell and started walking with Mangle to class, we had English next... Unfortunately Sparky had Engineering next...

... Dad ...

If you do happen to touch Mangle... I will Murder you...
I will not hesitate... I will not regret... I will only do...

I felt Mangle's hand wrap tightly around mine... And I held her hand too...

I will not regret....

Together Forever (Foxy x Mangle high school)Where stories live. Discover now