(3) Burning Daylight

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*Hi there again guys, I've been getting a few reads but not many comments, votes or fans so please.. pretty please click those buttons, and recommend to your friends! =] This chapter is a little shorter than the last one and is the final chapter out of the academy, I would like to say also that my spelling is not so good and i'm not a very good editor so PLEASE bare with me! haha OK enough rambling now you can read =]*

Chapter 3

I woke to the sounds of riotous laughter and shouts, pulled out my mobile and checked the time; WHAT?! I'd only been asleep 2 hours, I had wanted to spend the whole journey asleep. I groaned and looked at the rest of the passengers, Mani was laughing holding onto one of the overhead lockers for support and most of the other guys seemed to be gathered round in a circle cheering and shouting completely drunk as skunks. I looked around for Lana hoping she would be sober, and when I couldn't spot her I got up and walked over to the guys, squeezing between them to get a look at what they were staring at. My jaw dropped so low I swear there should have been a crane needed to hoist it up; on the floor was Lana grappling fiercely with Joe. Tiny Lana against over 6'5 Joe. And she appeared to be winning, I was totally fixated and accepted a drink from one of the flasks going around and before I knew it I was on my way to being wasted and shouting them on. After I don't know how long the fight ended Lana sat on top of Joe's back with her arms wrapped around his throat grinning from ear to ear. The pilot's voice came over the intercom politely suggesting we all settled down and took our seats for the rest of the journey as we should be expecting turbulence.

Lana came and sat with me and we started jabbering away a mile a minute occasionally breaking the flow to take a swig from one of the many bottles and flasks that were being passed around. All of a sudden I burst into fits of hysterics,

"Lex, what's up?" Mani asked although it sounded more like, "leckzzzwassuppps?"

I struggled to catch my breath and by the time I did everyone was looking at me; all except for those who had passed out, and I said as seriously as possible, "drinkying makes you GIRLY!" I failed to maintain my composure and fell about laughing again only this time I wasn't alone, the whole cabin erupted into hysterics.

The pilot's voice over the intercom broke our frenzy by saying in a bored voice,

"Please fasten your seatbelts we are about to begin our decent into Mount High Academy"

We continued to laugh and joke and by the time the plane doors opened 5 soldiers toppled out onto the runway and laughter from the plane echoed around catching the attention of everyone in the vicinity. Like I said before Mount High is for Rich Brats; most of them arrive by private jet or 'Daddy's helicopter'. Lana and I linked arms and swayed down the steps tripping on the last one and rolling about on the floor in fits of giggles in front of a disapproving Mr. West and his clipboard,

"Ah yes Miss Vasquez and Mr. Anderson, I was wondering what state you would be arriving in, ARGH!" his words were cut off as the rest of the passengers came barrelling down the staircase and hoisted him into the air.

Every single person (and there were a lot) stood, staring open mouthed at the spectacle.

"PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT" Mr. West growled. My men obliged and lowered him to the ground with sheepish expressions; I counted to ten in my head and sobered up a little trying to regain my composure. Standing using Mani and Joe for support I walked slowly towards Mr. West, who was bright red in the face,

"Sorry, Mr. W I guess the guys got a bit carried away"

"You guess? YOU GUESS?!" he shouted, and I flinched back a step.

Thankfully Joe interrupted before I started my whole Rage against the man speech,

"Well little Lex; I'm going to miss you baby girl" he said swiping me up into a bear hug and swinging me round, as he put me back on my feet I noticed that every girl was staring daggers at me; the phrase 'If looks could kill...' came to mind, I shrugged it off and started working my way down the line of soldiers waiting to say goodbye before boarding the plane, all seeming to have sobered up,

"I'm going to miss you kid..."

"See you next year..."

"I'll be wanting a re-match Lex so you better keep up with training..."

"Stay out of trouble tyke..."

After many goodbyes I got to the end of the line where Lana was struggling to keep the tears from escaping,

"You take care of yourself little one, you hear me? I don't want to hear about any injuries or anything this year ok? Stay out of trouble and keep your nose clean" she scolded, before wrapping me in a tight embrace, "Who am I kidding? You'll do what you want, you always do! But look after yourself and I'll keep in touch." She said with a sad smile before practically running up the steps; she hates showing emotions in front of people - she thinks it makes her look weaker than she already does- Lana is like a mother to me, she was there at my birth and has been the only parental figure in my life for the past 8 years.

I bit my lip to stop the whimper from escaping my lips and put on my 'game face' as Mani calls it before turning back to Mr. West who was staring at me with a dumbfounded expression on his face before turning purple and yelling at both me and Mani to go and see the Principal immediately for showing up to school drunk, and causing a ruckus.

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