25. "Hey, big head."

Start from the beginning

I opened the bottle, emptying a quarter-sized amount into my hand before beginning to spread it across my face. "I think today we're just staying by the beach. I'm not too sure about tonight. Dinah probably has something planned, though."

"Hopefully nothing too crazy, I'm pretty tired still. Considering we were up all night and we travelled all day." I smirked at the mention of being up all night. Camila ran a brush through her hair next to me and I began to lather my shoulders with sun screen.

"This is weirdly domestic." I stated. "Not that I'm complaining."

"It's different, a good different." Camila chuckled. "I don't know why you'd be complaining, especially considering how obvious it is that you're staring at my ass from the mirror."

"I'm window shopping," I countered with slight embarrassment evident on my face. Okay, extensive embarrassment.

"When are you planning on buying?" Camila put down the brush and side-eyed me.

"When do the stores open?"

Camila rolled her eyes and reached for her toothbrush. She then proceeded to jump off the counter and then sneak in between me and the sink, facing the sink. 

Camila then leaned forward and grabbed the toothpaste, filling sticking her bum out in the process. I took the opportunity to lean in and grab my own toothbrush, successfully pressing our bodies together, resting my hand on her hip.

Camila, after having done so herself, put toothpaste on my tooth brush and then spin around to face me. We were inches apart, practically touching. We brushed our teeth like that, facing each other and trying to make the other laughing in the meantime.

A small collection of foam had gathered in the corner of Camila's mouth and I went to wipe it for her. Once it was on my thumb, I wiped it off on her nose, which earned me a shove to he shoulder.

We both rinsed our mouths in separate sinks but the second we both finished, Camila grabbed my face with one hand, my cheeks squished by her thumb and middle finger, and lead me in for a very hard kiss.

"Minty." She commented before walking out of the bathroom.

The banter didn't end there, though. We were both so hyped over each other, as if we had been dating for a while. If I was a bystander, I would be completely over us but because I wasn't, I was so into it.

We were waiting outside the girls' hotel room as three of them took more time in the bathroom than two of us. 

I stood leaning against the wall and Camila was in front of me, an arm draped around my neck. I had my head in her neck, kissing down from her jaw to her collar bone.

It rattled me how quickly things had completely switched up. I mean, what was this, Bachelor In Paradise?

"Are we going to race in the pool?" Camila's asked, drawing patterns up and down my forearm.

"Absolutely not." I responded, placing a last kiss on Camila's cheek before turning to face her.

"Why not?" Camila asked, looking amused by my answer.

"Because you literally got offered a job to coach swim-" Camila stopped my by placing her index finger over my lips.

"I got an interview, not the job," she corrected.

"Tomato, tomato." I jumped in, earning a smile from Camila's end (which was so worth it).

"And you really can't say anything to the girls."

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