Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The next few weeks of my life were amazing. School was going good and our second last year was coming to a close. My friends were still amazingly oblivious to the fact that Nick and I were dating.

Jess, on the other hand, had seemingly fallen into the scheme as I had. She was also sneaking out to meet Shane and using one of us as her excuse. Not even Nick knew about what was going on and I had to be oh so careful not to let anything slip.

I had officially perfected the art of lying. I was lying to my friends; to my family; I was even lying to Nick. Livy was the only one who knew what was going on.

But the moment I got a message from Nick or once I was wrapped in his arms, I forgot all the troubles I was having. Nothing around me mattered, except those gorgeous green orbs and the soft touches when he ran his hand over my skin. I was falling hard and fast. It never bothered me as long as my grades looked good and my friends still loved me, what could go wrong? I was floating on cloud nine.

I had snuck out to meet Nick at least once a week. He took me out to the most unusual but amazing places. We never really went anywhere public, but that was better in my eyes. The  time he did take me out to a public place I was so nervous checking over my shoulder to see who was around. He didn’t try to make me venture off in public again. But not to worry, one more year and we would be home free. We had spoken about how the situation could hurt Jess and we had agreed to keep things quiet for now. If our relationship turned into something more and we were still together by the time I finished high school, then we would come out with it. There was no use upsetting everyone if things between us just turned out to be a fling. For some reason I felt a pang of hurt whenever I thought about our arrangement ending but I quickly pushed it away. Think happy thoughts, I told myself.

Our relationship was still young and fresh, as were we and we still had time to figure out where it was going. The sneaking around was exhilarating anyway.

Whenever I slept over at Jess’s house, things really got hot. After we all got into bed I would wait for everyone to fall asleep and sneak into Nick’s room, where not a lot of talking got done.

We would have intense make out sessions on his bed. They got so intense that he would gently push me away and do few laps around his room to calm himself, while I sat on his bed laughing at him. I enjoyed teasing him. It was so funny to watch.

This weekend I had begged that we all go to their house again and not mine, like we previously arranged. None of the girls were bothered by the idea and all agreed. I think they all preferred to go to Livy’s or Jess’s rather than mine or Mish’s. Our families were too normal and friendly. My parents insisted that we all sit down together for dinner and Mish parents were much older, almost like grandparents. They frowned on the way we dressed sometimes and at any sort of alcohol, don’t even mention smoking.

But there was nothing wrong with our families. They loved us all the same, sometimes maybe too much.

Jess’s mom was always attending this painting class or joining that dance club. She kept herself so busy, that when she was home she was just anxious to get out again and do something. She said that before the divorce all she had done was sit around at home, looking after her kids and cooking for ‘that scumbag’ and that she wasn’t going to sit around a day more and play house wife.

I loved her personality and couldn’t have ever imagined her sitting at home day in and day out.

I smiled to myself, thinking about how different our backgrounds really were, about how different we were and yet we were the closest group of friends in our whole school.

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