Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

So Jess convinces her mom to let us sleep inside the pool hut that night. We ordered some Chinese takeout, and grabbed some other junk food. We threw down our sleeping bags and slipped into our PJ’s, which consisted of hot-pants and tank-tops. It was a really warm night and nobody would see anyway. Only Jess’s mom was home, Nick was apparently out with friends.

Jess’s parents are divorced and her dad has left the country. That’s probably why Nick is so protective over his younger sister.

Livy and Jess put on some awesome tunes while Mish arranged our drinks. Bright pink and blue cocktails in martini glasses.

The pool hut was just a large thatched roof room. It had a wicked bar, pool table, Jacuzzi, fire place, bathroom and tall glass doors that opened onto a wooden deck just in front of a sparkling blue pool.

We switched off all the lights and lit a whole bunch of candles. We nibbled on some food and sipped our cocktails. It was quite relaxing, especially after my first drink. The girls used to sneak drinks into your bedrooms quite often, but I was never really up for that.

“So Chrissie, tonight is your night to let your wild side out. You are going to let your hair down” Livy carried a tray towards me with shot glasses on. “The first two are for you”, she indicated to the two shot glasses closest to me.

I started to plead with them “Guys you know I don’t drink…”

“Shut up and swallow” Jess held the shot glass to my lips, while Mish whispered in my ear “The faster you swallow it the less it will burn”.

“Oh what the hell” I threw the shot to the back of my throat and when my head came back up again another one was close to my mouth so I threw that one back too.

My throat was on fire. Why would anyone do this to themselves?

I was handed another glass, which I shoved right back at Livy only to see Jess give me stern look “Ok this one is to all of us” so I tried to reconfigure my face into what I hoped was a normal expression.

“May we never waste a date, enjoy every party and keep our friendship alive forever. Cheers”

They all swallowed their drinks while I was still staring at mine. I felt a hand bring my glass to my lips and I swallowed another drink.

I’m sure that one went straight to my head cos I was feeling rather dizzy already.

We were all dancing and laughing and we took turns giving speeches which we toasted with more shots.

I head was spinning around and I couldn’t see which way was up or down. We were all pretty drunk by now. But I was having so much fun. I had a bottle of vodka in my hand and Mish had a bottle with something blue that we stole from the bar. I climbed on the bar, with much difficulty, and started dancing for my friends. They were cheering me on when the next moment the music is stops.

We all look towards the entrance and there stood Nick leaning with one shoulder against the wall and his arms are folded. I was so busy checking Nick out in his tight black t-shirt and the way his biceps were bulging out that I didn’t know he had a friend with him until he spoke.

“Mind if we crash your party?” his friend, Jason walked up to Mish, took the blue bottle out of her hand and took a long drink. “Wow, this stuff is the shit”.

Nick walked up to the bar and took the bottle out my hand “Dude let’s just confiscate the booze and leave them be.”

“Come on Nick, it seems like there’s an awesome party going on here. I say we should join them”.

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