Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“I prefer the baby pink over the orange” someone was talking really loudly.

“Ssshhh!!!” was all I could say. My head felt like ten-ton truck had ridden over it. Livy and Jess were obviously painting their nails.

“Awh, the light weight is waking up” soothed Livy. “Here Barbie doll drink this” She handed me a huge cup of coffee and some pain killers. I took both gratefully.

I looked around expecting to see room that a hurricane had torn through, but there was no mess. Everything was neat and tidy like it usually was. Mish was lying on top of her sleeping bag hugging her pillow still fast asleep.

“Guys we could have cleaned up together. You should have woken me up.” I felt bad that I did help clean the mess left last night.

“We didn’t clean up. We thought it was you?” Jess smiled at me gratefully as I’m usually the first one up and usually the only one to tidy up.

“Nope it wasn’t me this time. Probably Mish” I winced my eyes tightly closed, my head hurt so bad.

Mish started stirring “I smell coffee” her eyes were still closed but she sat up and reached her hand out. Jess handed her a mug of steaming coffee.

I sipped my coffee “So madam Mishka, do we have you to thank for saving us from a mornings worth of cleaning?” asked Livy in her cheery voice

“What are you talking about” She looked around “I the first one to go to sleep last night, you guys were still partying hard with Jason”

“Well it was none of us” Jess stated with a confused look on her face.

“It must have been you Chrissie. You disappeared the moment Jason and Nick came in." and jumped up "Now if you’ll excuse me I need to pee” Mish skipped off to the hidden bathroom.

It was only then that I realised I had to think really hard about what happened last night. Livy and Jess were laughing about how drunk I was last night. “You finally let loose, we’re so proud!” Livy wiped away imaginary tears.

“I know, our Malibu-Barbie has grown up to become Pole-dancing Barbie” Jess joined in the sniffing and wiped away her fake tears.

“You guys really need help!” I got up and stretched as I walked out onto the deck.

The sun was so bright I had to shield my eyes. I was trying to rake my fingers through the birds nest that had developed on my head when I saw him climb out of the pool. The body glistened with water. He shook his hair to the side as he pulled himself up and out of the pull. And then I remembered the dream I had last night about being wrapped in Nicks arms with my breast pressed tight against his chest and the kiss we shared was so hot and felt so real. I hadn’t even realized that I had my fingers on my lips or that I was staring at the blond babe in blue shorts with a shocked expression on my face, until he spoke.

“Morning Stix. How are you feeling on this fine Saturday morning?” he said in an unusually cheerfully voice.

It was then that I snapped back to reality and realised he was standing right in front of me hastily drying himself off. I looked at his smiling face remembering how he tasted. Its seemed so real.

And then it all came back to me, dancing on the bar top, almost drowning in the pool. Nicks strong warm arms wrapped around my body … the kiss. Its was real.

I was so lost in my own world that I didn’t realise Nick was talking to me. He had a concerned look on his face. “Hello Chrissie? Are you ok?”

My stomach chose that moment remind me of everything that I had consumed the night before.

I covered my mouth with my hands. “I think I’m going to be sick” I turned around ran back inside I emptied my stomach into the toilet.

I heard someone snicker behind me “From Malibu Barbie to pole-dancing Barbie to Hangover Barbie”

“It not funny guys” Jess came up for me. “Get her some water”

“Ok, ok we’re going”

The rest of the weekend was quiet, we just hang around nursing our hangovers. We went to the mall and shopped around. We watched girly movies and spoke about the usual stuff.

Nick disappeared and none of us saw him again that weekend. The mystery of who did the cleaning was yet to be discovered

Sunday afternoon my mom picked me up at Jess’s place. I was quiet the whole way in the car. Finally alone and able to think about what happened on Friday night.

Obviously Nick thinks what happened must have been a mistake. He didn’t even try to talk to me about it. He just disappeared. I felt rejected and stupid at the same time.

How could I do something so stupid with my best friends brother none the less. I’ve known him for so long and I have never once thought about him that way. What is wrong with me.

On the other hand it did happen and he rejected me. The kiss we shared was so intense and then he left me?

I really wanted to talk about it but how do I tell my friends that I kissed her brother? She would hate me. I cant lose a friend over something so stupid. Its going to be so awkward if I have to look at him again.

When we got home, my mom parked her car and turned to me. “Is everything ok Chris? You seem so distant. Did you have a fight with one of the girls?”

“No, I’m just tired. We stayed up really late last night chatting”

“Are you sure there’s nothing you want to talk to me about?”

As awesome as my mom is about having a group of girls invade our home regularly. I would never talk to her about something so personal, thats what my best buds are supposed to be there for. I had a good relationship with my mother but I never talked to her about feelings or personal stuff.

“Nope, nothings wrong. I’m going to take a nap. Will you wake me at about 5pm” I all but ran to my bedroom, shouting greetings to my siblings on the way and closed my door.

Just a little bit moreOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant