Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The following day at school I was a whole new person. I was able to concentrate a little but more on my school work even with the fixed smile I had on my face.

I was lucky enough to have had such a hectic schedule on Fridays that I didn’t really get a chance to speak to the girls yet.

I knew they were all going to drill me about what happened last night, but I was so not ready for that. I didn’t know what I was going to tell them. I hated the fact that I was lying to my friends. And I hated having to keep my feelings bottled up inside.

By the time I got to my second last class of the day I was so stressed out. I pulled out my phone to check how much time I had left to come up with the solution for my predicament when I saw I had a text.

It was from Livy,

Keep to your story about the car wash guy. Don’t worry about the other two, they won’t know any different. Relax and concentrate on your school work. I can’t wait to hear all about your evening xxx

I don’t know what I’d do without you. I text back. I felt a little better after Livy’s encouragement.

The rest day flew by so quickly. Before I knew it, I was waiting outside the school for the girls.

When they did finally all arrive, Jess was glued to her phone, probably texting her man and Mishka already had her iPod plugged in. She was singing at the top of her lungs.

Livy winked at me as we walked to the car. Great hopefully things would be like this for the rest of the weekend

But of course nothing in life is that easy. The moment we all arrived at Mishkas’ house, Jess practically attacted me.

“I wanna know everything and I wanna know now!” She demanded.

So I told them the whole story and replaced Nick with car-wash guy, just like Livy said. I left out anything that had anything to do with Nick, like how it was his song that he played to me.

They were all smiling at me and giggling when I got to the part about the country song. All of the smiles were probably real but only Livy’s smile had felt true to me.

“… And when I got to bed last night, he text me, saying that he had a good time too.”

Then they all squealed and jumped up and down. “Barbie has a boyfriend , Barbie has a boyfriend…” They all chanted childishly.

“So when are you going to see him again?” asked Jess.

I felt the betrayal seep in when I had to look at her. I looked at down so I would have to look into her eyes, “I don’t know. And I really don’t know how I’m going to go about this without my parents finding out. They would kill me if they knew I was dating an older guy.”

“Just do what you did last night, use one of us as an excuse.” Mish answered easily, like there was nothing wrong with a little white lie.

Well I hoped they all saw it that way if they ever had to find out the truth. From where I was standing my little white lies didn’t seem so little or so white anymore.

They carried on for hours questioning me about how he kissed and about how big his muscles were.

I had to be so careful not to say anything that would resemble Nick.

So after a while my head started to hurt, having to answer so many questions and think my answers through so carefully. I felt like I was being interrogated.

“Guys stop!” I demanded when Mish asked me another question about what his abs felt like.

“I think that’s enough about my secret life now. What about you Jess? You’ve been very quiet about this stranger that that has you glued to your phone”, Well he wasn’t exactly a stranger we’ve all met him, but still knew nothing about him. And it changed the focus immediately.

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