Chapter 15

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Early morning sunlight was peeking through the curtains. It was going to be another beautiful day. I stretched out my limbs and was realised Nicks arm was draped over me. My whole body felt great, I felt great. Nick must be feeling good too because he was poking me in my side. He was still asleep. So peaceful, it's hard to think that this beautiful boy could look so peaceful after last night.

I wanted to jump up and down I was so happy yet I had a anxious feeling in the pit of stomach at the same time.

I thought about what happened last night. Those feelings shook me from head to toe. I never knew such a feeling existed. They definitely didn't teach that in health class.

Your first time was supposed to be uncomfortable when the hymen breaks and there is supposed to be blood. Oh no. My brain kicked in. Blood! Please don't tell me I bled all over Nick's bed and he left me in it. I remember it was wet last night but i didn't think about what it was. Oh no!

I slowly pulled away from Nicks hold and slid out of the bed.

I raced to the bathroom. Oh no. Oh no. This is so embarrassing. I felt Nick leave the bed during night. Did he go clean himself up? This is so gross! How am I supposed to face him now?

I reached the bathroom and pulled down my panties hastily.

What? There was nothing there? Where's the blood? There should be blood. Please don't tell me Nick.... no he couldn't have? I would have felt him move me and I definitely would have known if he touched me there again. He couldn't have... gulp... cleaned me up.

What is going on? I grabbed my phone from my bag that was still in the bathroom. Livy!

The phone just rang and rang.

Eventually she picked up.

"Did you do it?" Wow not even a hello. How does she even know what I am phoning about?

"Good morning to you too. And to answer your question, no we didn't, not exactly."

"What do you mean not exactly?" She asked. Wow she is really just cutting to the case here.

"He did something else to me... "Why is it so hard to say.

"Do you need me to come get you? What did he do? Did he hurt you?"

"Liv relax!" I had to stop her there. "He didn't hurt me and we didn't do anything that wasn't consensual on both sides. Please just calm down."

"Then what's wrong?" She was worried and I didn't want her to worry. I just wanted to ask a few questions.

"He touched me... you know where" I cringed.

"And...?" She's really impatient.

So i explained my problem, that it was the most amazing night of my life. That there was no blood and what he maybe did or didn't do and how I was to embarrassed to face him again but worse more what if there was just something wrong with me.

I just couldn't think, I didn't know what was going on

After all my whining the line was just quiet.

I waited.

Then it came. Laughter! She was laughing at me. Again!

My supposed best friend was laughing at my predicament. How could she?

"You know what Liv, pretend i never called" I was about to put the phone down.

"No wait" she said between the hysteria.

"I really thought you knew all of this Barbie".

"Knew what?" she is just going to make fun of me again.

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