Chapter 16

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There was something tickling my nose. I twitched.

Go away,  I'm sleeping. I rolled over on my side.

The tickles moved to my lips and I remembered exactly where I was.

I smiled in my sleepy state.  And turned back around to cuddle into the tickling monster. I could get used to waking up like this. He placed a soft kiss on my head. As I lifted my head to meet those oh so sweet lips, I remembered my morning breath and quickly hid my face. Gross! He did not need to smell that.

"Hey sleepy head" he whispered against my hair.

"Mmm." was all I said. My eyes still closed tight.

"Your not going to sleep tonight if you dont get up now." oh yay its still Saturday.

"Ok, I'll wake up but we're not moving from this spot." I wrapped my arm around him and held him tight. He just chuckled and held me close.  He nudged my cheek with his nose, his lips were closing in on mine. No he cant kiss me.

I jump up. "On second thought, I need to use the bathroom."

When I reach the bedroom door. I turn around and Nick is stretched out in the bed. He's shirtless and smiling.
I run to the bathroom before I jump back into bed with him.

When I get back from freshening up, he's gone again. I'm still wearing only my underwear, so I grab one of Nicks shirts.

I  walk down stairs and Nick is standing in the kitchen with his head in the fridge.

He cant be hungry again. I'm still full from brunch.

Its already dark outside I wonder how long I slept?

"Hungry again?" I obviously startled him because he jumped a bit.

"Hey, I'm a growing boy." He looks me up and down like I was going to be his next meal. His shirt only reached the top of my thighs. I think the back barely covered my butt.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I kissed him with my recently freshened breath.

"You hungry? I thought I'd just order some pizza."

"I'm not hungry for food." I looked up at him and batted my lashes, more in a playful manor.

"I've created a monster." He laughes into my hair. "See. I'll have to eat something so I can have enough energy reserves for you."

I pull away and look up at him "Nick, I feel so bad. You're making me feel good but what about you? I wanna make you happy too."

"Um, you do make me happy, very happy."

"You know what I mean. Look I know I'm inexperienced and all. But surely theres a way. You can maybe... I dont know... Show me what to do?"

"Babe as appealing as that sounds. And it really sounds good. I really think we should take things slow. I dont want you to think that you need to do anything that your not ready for."

"But I really want too. I think..." Do I really. Yes I do. I love him. I want this. I stand my ground.  "I know I'm ready."

He was serious now. His eyes darkened while they searched my. It was like he was reading my soul. I waited for him to make the next move. But he just stood there.

"So how about that pizza" his kissed me quick and left me hanging, while he placed his order over the phone.

I could do nothing expect shake my head. This was going to take some convincing. I let him think he won this round but I was already plotting my next move.

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