Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing anything so please be gentle with me. 


Chapter 1

“What the hell is going on here?” came this deep voice from door. All four of us ducking and diving frantically to try and cover up the remnants’ of our social smoking habit.

“Nothing...”, came out of Livy’s mouth along with a ball of smoke. Nobody could hold it in after that. All 4 of us girls where giggling hard like the typical bunch of teenage girls that we were.

He waited for us to calm down, “You guys are going to be in serious shit if mom came to check on you. Your all lucky she sent me” We were all trying to hold back our huge smiles when he looked down at where I was sitting on the floor in Jessica’s pool hut, “And you, Chrissie? I thought you were the good girl in the group?”

I couldn’t help but stare into his deep gorgeous green eyes. This sudden braveness came over me, “The good girl image is just a cover. I’m actually a very bad girl”, I said in a really sultry tone.

He looked at me like I had grown a third head, the room was dead silent. The girls were giving me weird looks too. Oops, what the hell was that? Stupid, stupid, stupid Chrissie.

“You should see your face Nick!” cried Mish. And they all started giggling again, I laughed too, to cover up the embarrassment. I mouth a thank you to her. Hoping nobody else saw. I don’t know what came over me.

That was probably my first initiated flirt with guy. And it was unintentional. I actually am the good girl in our group. I dont actually smoke either. I’m the shy one that gets good grades, who helps everyone with their homework. All of my friends come to me with their secrets. Even though we are a close knit group, there are some things that I know about each of them that the others don’t.

My best friends in the whole wide world are Mish – short for Mishka, Livy and Jessica. Nick is Jessica’s’ older brother. He is 3 years older than us and 4 years older than me cos I’m a year ahead of my grade. I’m 16. He's varsity student and majors in art or music or something weird like that.

My girls are the best and I love them to bits. They are always helping me out of these silly situations that I tend to get myself into. I’m not a dorky person; I just tend to say the stupidest things at the weirdest times. My mom has been trying to teach me for years already to think before I speak.

My nickname at school is Barbie and everyone knows how much I hate that name with a passion. The girls like to tease me with it all the time. And its not cos I’m plastic or wear too much make up. I just have really long blond hair that goes all the way down my back and really long legs. My gran made me swear that I wouldn’t cut it. The name started at school when, I was the only girl in the class. They made my life difficult and always reminding me that "Barbies shouldnt be in this class" But with a lot of hard work, I managed to prove him wrong. I now top of my class and even managed to encourage other girls to join. The name stuck with guys though.

Nick doesn’t think I look like a Barbie. He prefers to call me ‘Stix’ cos of my long legs, which I have been working on most of my life to produce a shape that resembles a calve muscle. Running, cycling and hockey have been a waste of time in my eyes, cos I’m still stuck with these scrawny legs. I’m not really a sporty person. I’m just not one of those girls who can eat what they want and stay super thin. I have to work hard to look this way.

Mish, Livy, Jess and I became really close in our first year of high school and we have been glued together since then. We take turns almost every weekend to get together at each other’s houses.

Our moms are great. They’re always making sure we are having a good time or that we have enough snacks when we’re hitting the books.

 Our parents decided together that none of us are allowed to drive till we’re 18, since Livy crashed her first car while under the influence. Her parents had to collect her at the police station. So Nick is our personal chauffer mostly due to blackmail and bribery. 

Jess finally pipes up, “Thanks Nick, your visit has been fun, but its time for you to leave now before we start talking about Tampax and other girls stuff”.

 “Come on Jess, do you really think I scared of a tampon? I’ve lived with you long enough to know your time of the month!’’

“Gross Nick. You psychopath! Get out!” whined Jess.

“Oh please how could I not notice the fact that you become possessed once a month? Or how you mope around in sweatpants when your usual dress code consists of miniskirts and short shorts” Jess was fuming but couldn’t get a single word out.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I'm here to use my pool. So you’ll have to put up with me till I’m done with my laps”.

Nick walked through our little circle and out onto the deck. My stupid remark was long forgotten.  We all sat there when and stared after him. I watched as he took off his shirt, his abs were tanned to perfection and rippled all the way down into this perfect v the disappeared well below his pants. There was a sprinkle of blond hair that started at his belly button that can only lead to …

“Was your brother always that hot?” Livy so rudely interrupted my thoughts.

“Shut up Liv, you perv! What the hell is wrong with you guys? That’s my brother!”

 Yes, he is Jessica’s brother. The douche who makes fun of me and teased us since our junior years.

 “And you ‘Miss I’m a bad girl’, where did you come from?” Jess’s disgusted face turned around and she smiled at me. “The Chrissie I know would never have said something remotely that sexy”.

Did I just hear her right?

“I like that Chrissie; she should come out more often.”  she said “Just not with my brother that’s gross”.

 “Dude please like I would ever look at your brother or any guy that way. You know what my plans are. Studies…” And there they all cut me off “Yes, yes we know!” An in unison they mocked me, “Study hard, no boys, good college, major in Architecture” That’s right! “We know, we know!”.

I have my whole life planned out. And between studies and friends who has time for boys?

“You should try taking a break once in a while and live a little” Mish shot at me.

“Hello? I am taking a break I’m chilling here with you guys”.

“Ya right, with a “Science Nerd Weekly” mag in your hand? I don’t think so” Livy turns around and grabs for her bag. “I’ve got just the thing to help you unwind a bit and enjoy the night” She pulls out a bottle with a clear liquid in.

Mish squeals so loudly that Nick looked up from the pool. Jess hides the bottle quickly before Nick could make out anything.

Jess spoke between her teeth still keeping a smile on her face “Just put it away before Nick sees, we’ll bring it out later once he’s gone”

“Wave ladies” she said with a smile on her face. We all waved at Nick who just shook his head and went for another lap.

 Mish tries to contain her excitement this time “We are going to get so wasted!”

 I just shook my head. This is so not a good idea.

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