Chapter 14

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Jess phoned me later that day to tell me how sorry she was about having to cancel her weekend. I played dumb and pretended that it was the first I had heard of it. She said that she had asked Nick not to mention it as she wanted to give me the news herself.

Livy had to play dumb too. I had to tell her about what had happened so that she could keep my secret weekend a secret.

It was one big web of lies. Jess and Mish thought I was staying at home this weekend. My mom thought I was going to Livy’s place and Livy was the only one who knew I would be with Nick. Besides Nick, of course.

They were leaving on the first flight so they would be long gone by the time we got there.

I was actually quite nervous when I walked to the elevator at five. We had never spent this much time alone together. I felt excited and strange at the same time.

I kept my feelings hidden from Nick when I got into the car, in case he decided that I wasn’t ready for this leap and took me straight home.

When we got to his house, it was so quiet, which is something I wasn’t accustomed to. There was always so much life and sound here. It had never been this still.

Nick put my bag down by the stairs. Which made me wonder where I would sleep tonight? Would he leave me to sleep in Jess’s mammoth room or would he ask me to sleep to next to him?

No Chrissie, no dirty thoughts. I told myself. This was not an invitation to do the nasty. It was weekend where Nick and I could spend quality time together without having to communicate through a cell phone or sneak around after everyone had gone to sleep.

“So what do you wanna do?” He asked

“Well.” I thought for a moment, “Let’s go chill by the pool for bit. Then we can make dinner.”

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me slowly. “I’m making dinner.” he said tapping my nose with his finger, “You, can watch the master in action.”

He let me go and I went for my bags. “You can change by the pool.” He ran up the stairs, so I just grabbed my bikini and went to the pool hut.

When I was done changing in the small bathroom, I came out to find Nick at the bar in his bright green swimming shorts. He was mixing cocktails and looked extremely sexy doing so. My mouth started watering at just the sight of his bare chest.

He hadn’t seen me come out yet. He was too busy concentrating on the mixer that he was shaking hard.

“Are you trying to take advantage of me?” I asked with a naughty smile on my face.

He stopped what he was doing and his mouth hung wide open. I guess he was looking at my brand new hot pink bikini. It was very low at the hips and tied at the sides with small strings. Of course my cleavage was right in his face too. But he’d seen me in less, so I didn’t understand his shock. The girls had picked it out for me. I it made me feel almost naked. If they were here I probably never would have worn it.

“Hello? Earth to Nick” I waved my hand in front of his face. His eyes were still glued to my cleavage.

“Sorry, what did you say?” He finally came out of his trance.

“Well, I asked if you were trying to take advantage of me, but the look on your face a second ago gave me the answer.”

“I thought you knew me better than that. First you need about three of these.” He pushed pina colada in front of me. “Then I’ll take advantage of your lack of control under the influence.”

I took the drink and sipped slowly, “Mmm this is delicious.”

“It’s my speciality. Let’s go sit on the deck.”

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