Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The following week at school was terrible. I felt so bad after being rejected by a guy. I was quiet and kept to myself. The worst part of it all was that I had no one to talk to about it. How could I tell me best friend that I had kissed her bother? She would hate me.

 I tried to put on a normal front. But my friends knew me too well. By Thursday they trapped me. They had secretly planned - behind my back - an emergency study session sleepover at Livy’s house.

Livy’s parents were always busy with work and hardly ever home. It was awesome staying there with only Livy’s older sister, Catherine to ‘keep an eye’ out for us. This was never the case. We had a good arrangement with Cat. She assured our parents that we would be well looked after while she studied. In turn we would not snitch about her boyfriend coming over.

The moment we walked in the by the front door Cat walked out. Just missing my mom, who had loaded us all off. “Don’t burn down the house. See you guys in the morning” Cat was probably off to her boyfriend. I never asked.

They even arranged for my mom to pack an over-night bag.

We all dropped our bags and went to the huge family room. The room had high ceilings and everything was white and fluffy with dashes of turquoise here and there. I was always to scared to sit in there.

Livy fell back into the soft white sofa. And put her dirty shoes up on the glass table. I sat opposite her on the other sofa and Jess sank in next to me. Mish sat next to Livy.

Mish started “So Chrissie we kidnapped you for a reason,”

“I guessed as much when my mom told me to study hard for the math test tomorrow. Mish you don’t even take the same math as we do. Didn’t you stop to think that our parents would have figured that out.”

“Ya Mish you should have said English or something we all have in common” Jess argued.

“Shut up guys, we’re all here are we not? It worked”

“Whatever, just get to the point” Jess smiled this time.

“So Chrissie we’ve decided that your cramping our style with all your moping around” Livy stated trying to look very bored, as she pretened to check out her nails.

I laughed, “Is that so?”

“Yip so whats up Barbie doll. We’re your friends and you cant keep anything from us”

I really needed to tell someone what is going on in my head. But I would have to leave out the part where it involved Jess’s brother.

I decided to spill and and add an imaginary guy and change the location and leave out the part where I was drunk and the fact that he got a good look at my rack.

“Ok guys no judging me please. And this has to stays between us. It doesn't leave this room. Promise?” They all agreed.

“So you guys know the guy in my street?” He went to a college far away and only came home now and again. So I thought he was a good candidate for my lie.

“The total hot babe that’s always washing his car?” Mish’s eyes grew wide.

“Yes that one. So his mom was visiting my mom and he came over with her. We were chatting and went for a swim and the next thing you know I’m in his arms and he kisses me. And that was all. So I guess I’m just bummed that he probably just used me and that I stupidly thought somewhere in the back of my head that it was a special kiss. I was just feeling slightly rejected and stupid”.

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