Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


The weekend had finally arrived. It was Saturday morning and we had plans to go to a house party that night. The girls had already picked out our outfits for the evening. We were all going to wear short dresses. Mine was a one shouldered mini silver dress.

We were relaxing by the pool at my house catching up on the home work we didn’t do due to our shopping escapade in the week.

I was done first as usual and decided to go for a swim.

“That’s no fair. I’m taking swimming break” Mish jumped up and dived into the pool.

“Me too” and Livy followed suit.

Jess picked up her phoned and smiled while texting for the millionth time that day.

“Why don’t you come take a break too” I asked Jess.

“its ok I have a lot of work still to do” was her only reply.

“Well maybe if you put down your phone for two minutes you would have been done already” Livy just threw her hands up defeat.

I don’t even think Jess heard the last comment. We all knew she was texting some guy. She denied it the whole day already. Maybe it wasn’t anything serious enough to share with us yet. Or maybe she just wasn’t ready. Either way, we gave her some space.

We splashed for a little and then the Mish and Livy went back to their books. Jess was still on her phone. I helped my mom out with some chores around the house while they finished.

Later that evening my mom dropped us off at the party. Jess was the one who had told us about the party. According to her it was some senior that invited us. He said that everyone would be there.

It looked like it was in full swing and rather wild. There were cars parked everywhere. And the music was really loud. My mom looked sceptical about letting us out of the car. But she trusted me enough to know that I would phone if it got too ruff.

We had tried to cover up as best we could with jackets and sweaters so we didn’t look over done when we left the house. When we walked in by the front door all of those items were removed.

The party was really wild. People were drinking and dancing everywhere. We recognised a few people from school but other than that most of them looked like college students.

“Hey there, beautiful ladies. I’m so glad you girls made it. Let’s go get you all a drink and then I want to introduce you around” I think his name is Jake, he was a sneior in out school. We followed him through the sea of people to what seemed to be a bar area. We got drinks and made our way around. The house was huge. There were so many bodies cramped in everywhere.

A few drinks later we were grinding our bodies to the music amongst the crowd. Jess was dancing with a guy that she seemed all too familiar with. Probably the same guy she'd been texting with the whole day.

I got lost in the music and felt hand on my hips. I didn’t take too much notice of who it was. I was enjoying myself.

Then I heard a familiar voice. But it didn't come from the guy behind me.

“What are you doing here” She shouted over the music.

“Chrissie’s mom called me and asked me to come check on you guys. This isn’t a party girls your age” Nick was arguing with his sister. “And who is this idiot? You do know she’s only 17 right” That was probably meant for the guy. He was really going to piss off Jess.

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