Chapter 13

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We both said at the same time.

What was he doing here? I thought he was supposed to be working? He looked sexy in his dark blue dress pants and baby blue button up shirt. I was glad now, that the girls had convinced me to buy a few formal skirts for work, which I was wearing now.

"What are you doing here? I thought you started your internship today?" Maybe whatever he was doing had something to do with the DSC? Come to think of it I didn't even know where his internship was. I'm such a bad girlfriend. I had been so caught up in my world I had never thought to ask him.

"I am working."He said

"Well where are you working? I'm sorry I never asked before I'm not a very good girlfriend, am I?"

"It's ok, your forgiven" He chuckled, "Um I kinda work here? At the DSC. Its really been cool so far."

"Ok, do they have like an art department here or something? Cos I thought they only did community development." I was slightly confused now as to sort of work he could be doing here.

"Um no, no art department." He looked at me weirdly, "It's mainly community development. Mostly they just deal with building permits and regulations and they do a bit of those affordable housing schemes. So far I got to transfer hard copy plans onto the software program they have here, where they store all the files. And later I'll get to check the smaller plans, that they meet regulations."

"But why would take on an internship like that?" I asked noting that what he just said had absolutely nothing to do with his art or music?

"Ja I know its not the ideal internship, its definitely not where I wanna work one day. But its good to get some experience on the legal side of things"

Now I'm confused "Nick what are studying?

"Architecture?" He looked at me weirdly again. "It was actually my professor that recommended me for the job"

I was so shocked. I couldn't get a word out. How was it possible? He was always busy with his music or art. He couldn't be in the same direction that I had always dreamed about. It not possible, how could I have missed this?

"Are you ok, Chrissie?"

"Nick, I thought you were studying art it's the only thing that you're always busy with. I have never in my life heard anything about you and architecture. What the hell is going on?" I demanded and my voice raised just a little bit too high. He pulled me out into the hall, when everyone looked up at us.

"Listen Chrissie, I don't exactly know what you're on about, but I have a lunch break in an hour. I was going to call you about before you showed up here. Do you wanna meet up and talk."

I only nodded.

"Ok. There's a coffee shop across from your building I'll get you there in exactly an hour."

He rubbed his thumb over my cheek and I almost pulled away I was so mad and confused. I hated being confused.

We walked back into the office and I handed my plans in with the necessary forms before going back to the office.

I took Mr Stevens his lunch and asked if it was ok if I could take an hour lunch today.

"Of course Chrissie. Is something wrong? You look a little pale." He noticed.

"No I'm fine, Thanks Mr Stevens. I suppose I just need to eat something."

"Ok, take your time. I can't have you fainting around here."

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