"I do actually."

"Anything in particular you want in yours?"

"Just a veggie omelette will be fine. Thank you sir."

"Where are you going?" Andrea questions, noticing the model turning around to leave the kitchen.

"I was going to get changed and go for a quick run."

Andrea takes a sip of her coffee, tilting her head towards the refrigerator. "There are some water bottles in the fridge if you want to take one with you."

"Thank you ma'am." Karlie smiles, grabbing a bottle from the fridge.

"Breakfast should be ready by the time you get back." Scott says over his shoulder.

Karlie nods and heads up stairs to change into her running clothes. Once her shoes are all laced up, she takes off along the sidewalk, following the winding pathways.

Taylor pads into the kitchen shortly after the model left, the small blanket wrapped around her shoulders. "You're up early." Andrea muses, smiling into her cup.

Taylor shyly ducks her head. "Where's Karlie?"

"She went for a run." Scott answers.

The blonde rolls her eyes, all too familiar with her girlfriend's habits. "Of course she did."

"Did you sleep well?" Andrea asks.

"I did actually." Taylor smiles, settling into a chair beside her mother at the table.

Scott snorts from the stove. "I'm not sure how the two of you even fit on that couch."

Taylor blushes bright red at being caught. She runs her fingers along the grain of the table, avoiding her parent's eyes.

"Why didn't you just sleep in your bed?" Andrea asks.

The blonde sighs. "Because Karlie didn't want to make a bad impression, so she insisted on taking the couch."

"I knew I liked her." Scott comments, turning back to face the pan with a smile. Andrea smiles at the blush on her daughter's cheeks. She loves seeing her so happy.

"I told you guys. Karlie's perfect. She's very protective of me. She's old fashioned, so she's polite and well mannered; always thanking me and holding doors for me and checking to make sure I'm okay. She never pushes or rushes me into anything. She's so sweet and she takes really good care of me. She's beyond amazing."

"You better hold on to her. She's definitely a good one." Scott says, his eyes crinkling in delight at hearing how well the model treats his daughter. Karlie seems to be everything he could ever want for his little girl.

Taylor smiles as she stands up to pour herself a cup of coffee. She takes her mug and steps out the backdoor, closing it behind her. She moves over to the railing, watching the sun slowly rise over the water. The beaches are empty and it's nice and quiet, only the quiet rumble of the waves lapping at the shore. She looks down the sandy shoreline and sees the outline of her girlfriend running her way. She smiles just knowing the girl is that much closer.

When Karlie gets closer to the house, she spots her girlfriend on the back patio and blows a kiss to her, watching Taylor pretend to catch it while blushing adorably. The model slows her run to a jog before making her way to the stairs where her girlfriend is waiting for her on the last step.

"Hi." Taylor says quietly.

"Hi." Karlie says back, smiling widely at her girlfriend.

"I think you're a little sweaty."

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