Chapter 62

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"I mean, this should be a thing. There's nothing to do around here."

I squirm on my seat. We are sat on a picnic table, my father had the idea to put some of those all around the camp. The boys wouldn't stop bragging about video games, it's been going on for what feels like ages. I'm only half-listening.

"We would install them at the community center. We could even stop the classes with Mrs Hill, it's not like there were useful anyway." Connor tops.

"Education is more important than playing video games." Connor eyeballs me, from the table on which he is. He never sits on the benches. A proud smile grows at the corner of his lips.

"If it was that important, you would attend those classes, Davis."

He's got a point. I frown at him, roll my eyes, and look away when he starts laughing at my defeat. What they don't know, is that I actually play video games, at my house. My father allowed me to set it up on our TV, but I can't play much. I understand why, and I never insisted. Perks of being the boss' son.

"Aw come on man." Connor push the elbow I'm leaned on." Don't be such a drama queen, you know I'm right. Can you talk about it with your father?"

"We don't stand a chance." I lie.

I look away once again, as they keep complaining about how this place sucks, what was the point to have a friend who have a father in a powerful position and yet can't make the most of it. Yes, all for stupid video games. It's not like it was the most important thing we need in this world anymore. They don't realise how lucky they are to live among those strong walls, how lucky they are to have food, water, shelter. They're so ungrateful, and it pisses me off.

"Hey, look who's coming." I can feel Phil's smirk. It acquires my attention. I casually look up, and tense on my seat when I see who's approaching in the distance. My palms get sweaty.

"Summers! Hey Summers! It's been a while!"

For God's sake Ethan, why are you getting closer? Why do you respond to their provocations? I guess he doesn't have much choice. We are on his way, he's following the road like a normal person would do. I wonder where he is going. I can't ask him anyway, and I run a hand through my hair, keeping my head low to avoid his look. He looks pissed when I glance at him though, as pissed as I was a few seconds ago.

"You dared to go out without your bodyguard? It's rather brave ."

"Brave? He's a fag, he must be a pussy." Connor snikers.

"But... He is, right? Always freaked out when we're around."

They half shout so that Ethan could hear them intimidating him, reminding him what we've done in the past. Things I'm really not proud about, and I hope he knows that. Ethan doesn't care though. He's right before us now, and he looks forward, trying as hard as he can to ignore them. Ethan moves as a tensed and deaf robot under a tirade of degrading insults.
At some point he turns around though, right when I've been looking, and his eyes plunges into mine. For a short moment, his features soften, but he frowns straightaway when he realises I'm not really there. I'm not defending him or anything, what a friend is supposed to do. I give way under his inquisitive gaze, and shrink on my seat as I sheepishly bow my head. I'm so hot and sweaty that I must be as red as a tomatoe. Ethan rolls his eyes.

I won't look up, until silence falls upon us. Ethan must be gone by now, hopefully. The boys only snicker quietly to feel powerful, when deep inside, they know as much as I do they didn't have that much impact. They really suck at bully, fortunately. This thought makes me feel even worst. Back when I would support their actions, and lead the movement, Ethan was really hurt. I'm the one who hurt him the most, not my so called friends. Ben snorts.

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