Chapter 29

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A shining sunray slightly wakes me up. A shiver runs down my bare back. I longly yawn, and smile, eyes still closed, thinking about yesterday. We made it, and then we cuddled all night until we fell asleep. It was just amazing. No, there's not even a word to describe how happy I am right now.

As I'm laid down on my stomach, and on the wrong side, I turn my head and I stretch my arm to reach her, but my hand only finds empty sheets. I frown, rub my eyes and lift myself up with my elbows. I eventually see her, being busy.

"Good morning beauty." Yeah, that's the nickname I found. It describes her perfectly.

Maddy's answer surprises me.

"Have you seen my jeans?" She searches all over the room like she was in a rush.

"Hey, just chill, there's no need to hurry, we have time." I said.

"No I don't. Have you seen it?"
I let myself fall back on the sheets and sigh.

"Overthere... Come on, go to bed so we could cuddle." I smile patting the spot next to me. She just goes where I pointed the jeans. What's her problem?

"Hey, you're okay?" I ask, getting worried. Did I do something wrong?

"I am." I decide to get up to join her. She's lying, she's not fine at all.

"Do you wanna talk about something?" I tell her sitting at the edge of the bed.

Only short answers. There's definitively something wrong. I get up, grab my trousers at the foot of the night table, and put them on, before joining her.

"Maddy, please talk to me."

"What do you want me to say?" She sighs. She so looks annoyed and angry.

"Don't know, something." I keep on looking her busying herself.

"Good morning." She says, not even looking at me.

"You should've told me that when I said it to you like two minutes ago." She sighs again. She leans to look for something. When she gets up, I decide to carefully grab her face to kiss her and calm her down. But she pulls herself out, even more annoyed than before.

"Not now Rocky."

"When then?" I say, getting angry too. Her behaviour is intolerable. She  glares at me, and I feel hurt. She doesn't have to look at me this way, it's mean.

It's not her. Maddy isn't mean. Where's the girl I fell in love with?

"Why are you doing that?" I ask with a  sadder voice than I excepted.

"Doing what?"

"Acting this way, it's just..."

"I gotta go." She cuts me off.

"You-you can't leave like that." I stutter, surprised. What is going on with her. Did she forget what happened between us?

"Of course I can." She takes her jacket, and starts turning her back on me. I grab her arm.

"What about us? Are you just going to..."

"Rocky..." She starts, cutting me off again.

"And what about this night Maddy? Don't tell me you..."

"It was just a night Rocky."

This plain sentence breaks my heart. All these sparkles I fell turn into stones. That hurts. A lot.

"So, it's just a night? That's all it represents to you? I thought you felt the same things..." I say, ready to cry.

"We can't be together, it's impossible. You can't understand."

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