Chapter 51

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"You're wearing it!"

"Awww come on Rydel!"

"Heather and Peter told me you're very sensitive to the sun now, and I don't want you to get a heatstroke!"


"No buts Ross, you take it!"

This is how Ross ended up being forced to wear a cap with a disgusting greenish color, the only one we found, and you can tell he's not pleased about it. The frown of discontentment and pouty lips hasn't leave his face yet, and he barely talks to anyone. He attempted a several time to remove it when no one was watching but Rydel caught him everytime.

This was really entertaining to witness.

We left a day ago, we're almost at the end of the second. At the moment, we haven't bumped into many Infecteds, but we're still in the area we cleared. I hope from the bottom of my heart it won't get too difficult afterward.

Everyone follows, but there are youngest with us. I decided it was the best to adapt to their speed, and not the contrary. We can easily recover from an important effort, but not them. They get exhausted faster. Besides, it's been a long time since they got outside. Really outside, I mean. I've never forced them to stay locked, and we organised a lot of exits, in front of the buildings. It's primordial to take some fresh air, or you get crazy, always seeing the same old and dirty wallpapers and furnitures of our apartment block. The oldest, Derek, Heather, Emily and I took shifts. The kids were always waiting for this exit impatiently.

Now, if everything goes out as planned, they won't have to fear Death when they'll play outside.

To my disappointment, we haven't been very far. I thought it'll be faster, but as I saif before, the kids must be preserved. Too bad if we arrived two weeks later, the most important is to arrive all safe and sound. But as soon as possible would be even better.

Fortunately, we have the Lynch and Hailey with us now. In case of attacks, they know how to fight. I don't know what we could do if they show up, and only Derek, Heather, Em and I knows how to fight properly. I mean, they could defend themselves, they all faced Them once in a time, but they're not as tough as we are. They would do unforgivable mistakes.

We progress slowly, on the lookout, as silent as we can, the girls in front, the boys behind. Our various weapons within easy reach, or directly in our hands, the less experienced walk between us.

Everyone do efforts, and I greatly appreciate it. There were a few complains, about how they were tired, hungry, thirsty, urge to pee, heavy bags. But they're kids, I forgive them. I can tell you even myself am happy to have breaks, to check the map and rest.

Being numerous isn't advantageous. Keeping quiet can be complicated for some, plus hiding and stuffs, it is stressful. You add little ones, tiredness, concern... This is hard. But I trust us, we'll do it.

I glance at the girls in front of us. Hailey is chatting quietly with Heather as they watch around, and Emily and Rydel talks too, from time to time.

It's been really weird the day we arrived at the refuge. It didn't go as I planned in my mind, and they discovered everything. I was afraid Rydel would take it the wrong way, and I've been right, but not like I imagined. I thought she would be mad at me, but ignore my girlfriend. It's the total opposite. It's like I don't exist anymore. She barely talks with me, only during breaks, when I give orders or advices. She usually only nods as an answer, or pronounces a few words. Meanwhile, Em gets all her attention.

At least, they seem to get along very well. Let's focus on this and try not being too jealous or complain.

Maybe I should make the first move. But what could I say? Sorry I thought that you were dead, and that I grew on another girl I really like.

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