Chapter 60

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Ryland hisses loudly, closing his eyes, and his knuckles turn white from how hard he tries to grip on the wooden crate he's sat on. I straightaway remove the rag soaked with antiseptic from his temple.

"I'm sorry." I guiltily chew on my bottom lip. My brother gives me a weak smile. Exhaustion is plastered on his bruised face, it's even more evident as I'm crouched down at his level. I stare at his left eye, half close, due to the purple bruise spreading around.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

"Well, you shouldn't."

I sigh, pick myself up, and dust the dirt on my jeans. I feel Ryland's gaze on me, but I avoid eye contact, and keeps looking down. He gently take the rag away from me.

"What's wrong?"

"We should've have not let you deal with so much Infecteds alone."

"What, you're feeling bad for that?" He chuckles. I send him a death glare and he stops.

"Oh, you're being serious."

"Of course I am Ryland!" I dramatically throw my arms in the air." You could've get hurt, badly! I won't say it was stupid of you to have acted so, cause it was the only solution, but still! You think I didn't notice how terrified you looked when I found you? I was worried sick, and I would've been so mad at myself if something bad would have happened to you, and I can't lose you again!"

I pause after this lecture, and try catching up my breath. My chest raise up and down, my cheeks flushed red from this sudden rise of anger. My brother is gaping at me, with eyes wide open, well, as open as he can. I put a hand on my waist, and rub my forehand with the other.

"I... Sorry, I'm just... You know?"

"The bite and stuff."


"I understand. Don't worry I'm fine now Ross, especially since I'm with you. We're together and it's all that matter right?"

"We're not all fine though."

Ryland frowns, and before I could answer to his questioning look, Hailey turns up in the private corner we're in. Her messy blond hair perfectly flank her face.

"Heather wanna see you. Meeting." She informs us briefly." No you stay here." She adds when Ryland is about to stand up.

"What? I'm not invited?"

"She wants me to take care of your cuts first. Then we'll join the crew."

"But I'm fine!"

"No you're not." Both Hailey and I scold him. He sits back down, and shrinks on his seat.

"Where is she?" I get closer to her.

"At the end of the warehouse, where you guys left us." I sigh, and fold my arms across my chest. I feel Hailey's cold hand on my biceps, and I look up at her. My gaze plunges into hers, and I make the most of it to memorize every detail of her eyes. This is mesmerizing. The small brown circle around her iris, the way it shines at the light, like there were little golden specks in. Her smile completes this beauty.

"It's fine Ross. I'll take good care of him."

"Thank you."

She nods her head at me, and goes and kneels down beside my brother. She sends me a heavy look when she sees I'm still here, which makes me go once for all. I bypass the shelving units we arranged to hide ourselves, and progess in the vast warehouse where we took refuge. This is the best, safest and nearest place we found in a limited time. The corrugated iron roof peaks at several meters high, making the place spacious. The few gaps up light it, but I'm afraid we won't see properly when it gets dark. All the entrance has been barricaded except for one, letting no light through. There's nothing much in there, but some shelves, crates and chairs, probably from the activities that would take place here before. Everybody divided up on both sides of the big area, and I don't think they're really aware of it. Johanna is sat, alone, she is craving with her knife on a board nailed down on the wall. I set myself a reminder to go talk to her later. The poor girl lost her brother on the battle field, and I know how she certainly feels. I lost Rocky, and I could've lost Ryland today, which remind me how lucky we have been. The youngests who were with my little brother are still sticking together, playing at the center with whatever they can find. I wish I was like them, I wish I could stop thinking and worrying for a moment about the Infecteds outside, forget that we are now living in such a messed up world. Their carefree laughters sound like a sweet tune to my ears. They are quickly covered by stronger voices though, and filled with anger. I recognise Riker.

Survivor { R5 fanfiction}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz