Chapter 6

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It all fell down. Right when I was going down. It was all blurry and I didn't get what was happening first. But I soon understood there was something wrong. An incredible pain went through my whole body, as  Ross, Riker and I scream. Not for the same reasons though. I couldn't understand what they were saying.

All I can feel is this pain in my stomach. It's like something went through it. I've never thought that it could hurt that much. Like that. I don't dare to look, I feel it and it's largely enough. I try to move, but a bigger pain goes through my body and I scream again. I see Riker crouch besides me. He looks terrified and worried, that doesn't sound good...

"Wha-what happened?" I manage to say between two breaths. Every word that come out of my mouth make it worse.

"You... You have... Don't panick, there's a piece of wood..."Riker gasps. It's clear he doesn't know what to do to help me.

"Rocky, you're okay?" He adds seeing I don't say anything.

"Do I look okay for you? I have a piece of wood stuck in my stomach!" I wince.

"So... Sorry... It's not what I wanted to say..."

I feel bad for yelling at him , after all he's doing his best to help me.

"Riker, that... That hurts..." I whimper. I start panicking and my breath becomes heavy. My chest barely move.

"I know, but we gotta get out of here."As it happen, we start hearing their grunts.

"What are you doing guys?! " Ross yells, who has finally decided to come and join us,"Oh my God!" He adds, seeing my wound. He crouches down, and head his hand to the piece of wood.

"No Ross! Don't touch it!"

"Why? Don't you see it's hurting him!" Ross yells again. Fine, he's now as panicked as me. Luckily Riker is here, and he hasn't lost his nerves yet.

"Cause if you take it out, it'll bleed more and it'll be over for him!" Riker glares at our little brother. I close my eyes. I can't believe what's happening right now. The grunts are louder and louder every second.

"Listen to me Rocky, at the count of three Ross and I we will get you back on your feet, get out of this bloody apartement and run to the bunker to heal you. "


"No but! You're coming with us!" He cuts me off. "Ross, go on the other side." He orders. Ross nods quickly and obeys.

There is no need to protest, so I let them do it.

"One... Two... Three!"

I think that I have never screamed so loud. I want to yell at every step, but I try to hold it back. Ross and Riker climb over the fragments of wood, as they are supporting me on their shoulder, and manage to get out of the building. It's almost dark outside, we stayed inside more time that we thought.

And these Infecteds which are getting closer.

"Rocky, can we run?"

"You better if you wanna save our lives!"

"We will do it slowly, the bunker isn't far, only five minutes" Ross adds.

Then they speed up. The pain is getting worse and worse.

We cross deserted streets, full of litters and rusted cars, followed by grunts in our backs. We start getting out of the city.

And I can't bear it anymore...

Survivor { R5 fanfiction}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें