Chapter 31

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I run as fast as possible, far away from the house. Instinctively, I took the little pathway to go on the main road, who leads to the city.

It's dark, and my eyes are still misty by tears, so it's kind of hard to see where I set foot. I stumbled on several occasions already. Especially as I'm holding up my injuried hand. Every step cause a vibration that goes painfully through my arm.

At least, I shot in my left hand. If I would've shot in the right one, it would've been even more stupid than it is already.

I think I eventually catch sigh of the end of the pathway. I then decide to take the flashlight out of my backpack. My eyes now are used to the dark a little, but it's still not clear.

I'm running along the main road now. My steps echo on the asphalt.

"Come on, come on..." I grit my teeth, hitting on my flashlight to make it work. It blinks a little, giving off a whitish glow on the ground, and soon turns off.

"Oh come on, don't please..." I groan.
I hit it again. This time, it doesn't even turned on. The anger boiling inside get the upper hand.

"Fuck you stupd flashlight!"

I throw it furiously on the ground. It breaks in a thousand pieces. I didn't know I had this strengh.

My hands shivers from irritation and impatience. I let out a long sigh, and decide to stop where I am. It's at that moment I realise I'm breathless. The adrenaline is probably gone. I take deep breaths before starting to pace up and down.

"Think, Ross, think, think..."

I end up by making my backpack tip over my shoulder, and sit at the edge of the road. I pull my knees up to my chest, burry my head in it, and start rocking myself back and forth. I close my eyes and let the darkness wrap me up. We never know, it may calm me down.

Sum up of the night. The Infection began. Stomach aches, cough, vomiting, dizziness. My plan to sneak out totally messed up. I shot into my hand. Thinking about it, I feel shivers around my wound. I shot at Hailey. And it wasn't that easy. But I couldn't shoot at my sister. I just couldn't.

And here I am, sat on a road, in the dark, subject to a panick crisis.

The shivers in my hands stopped. I sigh in relief. I managed to calm myself down. Well at least for the moment.

"Come on Ross, think, you must do something now." I keep on talking to myself. Because I'm getting crazy, and it makes me feel less lonely.

I can't double back, not after what I've done. Besides, I'm too dangerous. But I absolutely need to treat myself, before it could get infected. I must keep on moving, until I find a shelter. Remain on the road for the night could be dangerous, more than if I stay in a house. There could be Infecteds inside, but after what I've been through... That's the only solution. Once I would've found one, I would treat myself and take a rest. When I wake up tomorrow, which is low probable ( as a human in any case), I'd join the city. I have to get away as far as possible, otherwise the others are going to find me. And I know that they will look for me as soon as they could.

Find a shelter, treat myself, join the city. This plan seems to make sense.

I get up on my feet, taking care to not lean on my left hand, take my bag and get back on the road. I also  throw the fragments of the flashlight away, so the others won't know where I went straightaway.

And I begin to run again, ready to face the darkness.



Survivor { R5 fanfiction}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt