Chapter 34

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If there are mistakes, don't hesitate to tell me, cause tbh I HATE mistakes. So comment, and I'll correct it ;) (it goes for all the chapters)

I wake up with a start, panting. I think I screamed. It doesn't matter anyway, I'm the only one sleeping on the third floor.

I take some deep breaths to calm myself down, quickly get up and grab a t-shirt and some sweatpants at random in my wardrobe.

I may be paranoid, or have too much hopes, but a part of me wants to know. Needs to know.

What if this dream is true? I'll only be sure if I see it with my own eyes.

I go out of my room, and rush toward the stairs, that I hurtle down until the second floor. I slow down once I'm on the landing. I don't know what time is, but we're in the middle of the night. Honestly, I wouldn't appreciate to be woken up by some crazy guy running in the corridor. And it's dark, I don't want to stumble. So I walk as quietly as possible to Ethan's room. Once I'm here, I gently knock on the door. As no one answer, I knock louder. And maybe more furiously as well. Not my fault, I'm impatient as hell right now.

After a few seconds, a loud groan can be hear in the room, and sheets noises creasing, followed by a distinctive clicking of a light you switch on.

The door eventually open, on a shirtless Ethan. I would have not thought it, but he actually has abs ( a/n: let me fangirl okaaay?!)

"Seriously Rocky?" He whimpers, his eyes still half closed.

"I need your help, it's urgent!" I answer, coming in without his invitation.

"What can be that urgent? It's 2 am." He yawns rubbing his eyes as he closes the door.

It's at that moment I notice something black on his chest.

"No. Way. You have a tattoo?" I keep on staring, puzzled. I would have never thought he had a tatoo to be honest. It represents an electric black and white guitar, a Fender Stratocaster like the one he has, with angel wings. It's not very big, but it's very detailed. You can clearly see the mics, buttons, and strings. Even the frets. It looks so freaking cool. (A/n: let me fangirl here too😂 tattoos on boys chest are hot as fuck😂 don't judge me, ethan is my imaginary boyfriend 😅 )

He looks down, following my look, like he forgot he had something here. He shrugs.

"Oh yeah, this. Whatever. My last boyfriend was a bad influence."

"When did you get it?" I ask getting curious. I showed him mine before, he could have shown me his.

"16. But you're not here to talk about this, are you?" I can tell he's impatient.

"I dreamt about my brothers."


"And it looked so real!" Ethan folds his arms across his chest, closing his eyes, as he shakes his head. He glares at me when he eventually raises his head.

"You disturbed me in the middle of the night for a fucking dream? Are you serious?"

Okay, he's definitively in a bad mood. Well, kind of normal since I woke him up at 2am.

"I am. I think they're in trouble, especially Ross." I insist, pacing up and down in the room. I can't stay in place.

"What exactly happened?"

"They got trapped somewhere, in a place full of Infecteds. They seemed to get through it, but Riker was wounded, and Ross ran away, for no reason. His t-shirt was all bloody and and looked frightened. I swear I feel they're in trouble right now. It felt like it wasn't a dream. And now, they're both alone!"

Survivor { R5 fanfiction}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant