Chapter 56

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"That's the stupidest joke I've ever heard." I comment, as Maddy giggles by my side.
"Aww come on, it wasn't that bad." Ethan smirks. He stretches out his arms. "Mine was better than yours anyway."
"Ah, he has a point."
"Thanks for the support." I playfully nudge Maddy." Do you have one?"
"Nope. Nothing exciting, really."
"I'm sure you do! Share it!" Ethan insists, excited, with a grin lighting up his face.
No word can describe how satisfied I am right now. We settled ourselves on the soft and green grass, in front of a house that seems uninhabited, underneath some trees that protected us from the scorching sun. A fresh breeze mellow the bulky atmosphere. I'm just chilling with my friends, like in the old days. Even the grunts from the Infecteds gathered at the walls, usually rather loud, aren't that present.
But the more important, there's a sincere smile on everyone's face. We forgotten our problems just for this short and precious moment. Ross, Riker, Zayn, Liam, our torments faded away. It feels good.
Right when Maddy is about to start her story, a ringtone is heard. Maddy interrupts herself, a frown growing on her face, as Ethan contorts himself to grab his IPod in his front pocket, and turns it off. He has set an alarm. I frown along with Maddy when he stands up, and rubs his hands on his pants to wipe the soil off .
"What are you doing?" His head shoots up us, a confused look on his face, like he forgot we were here, with him.
"Hum... I have something to do."
"Can we know what it is?"
"Just a music lesson, nothing exciting." He justifies himself.
"I thought you weren't seeing anyone this day ?" He sighs and shrugs.
"Well... I must be a great teacher cause there's more and more people, it's easier for me to do so. Anyway, I gotta go!" He says in a rush, as he turns around and walks away.
"Hey!" I call out to him." With who?" He glances at us.
"Nevermind, you don't know the person!" He does a weird sign with the back of his hand at us, and disappears from our sight . He scampers, afraid to be late.
"Something's telling me he's lying." Maddy giggles, and snuggle more against me, as she is holding my arm.
"He's never been a good liar. He's too honest for that."
"I don't get it though. He could tell us who he is going to be with."
"He doesn't have to tell us about everything he does you know?"
"Still." She comes off of me, and puts her hand on her hips as she sends me a critical look.
"You're way too overprotective. He's 18, not 10."
"It's just... After what happened with Zayn and all." I explain, as I run a hand through my hair. Maddy lets out a sigh.
"I understand."
With that, she leans on my shoulder, and we stay silent for a while, listening to each other quiet breath.
"You never told me about your expedition outside." Maddy speaks up, as she raises her head at me.
"Well, you were busy being in jail, and as for me..." I squeeze her hand to make her understand I got what she's talking about, and give her a reassuring smile.
"Hard times, yeah. We went through a lot lately."
"This is unfair." I hum in agreement.
"So wanna hear about my fabulous story?"
"I'm all ears." Delighted to hear her light laugh, which proves she's better, I launch into it.
"As planned, I went into the building, and got ready. I stole someone else's equipment."
"It's not nice of you." Maddy points out.
"I can stop now, if you're too shocked." I joke. The furious look she gives me makes me carry on.
"Anyway, right when I finished, they all showed up, got ready, and we left. Fortunately, I had a helmet that cover my face, I don't know how I would I do otherwise. Then, we scavenged all day, but didn't find many stuffs. This is the final stop that turned out badly."
"When the man got hurt?" She questions, remembering about the man who certainly enabled to reduce my sentence.
"Yep. We were at a motor inn, since the place looked quiet, and in a rather good state. Which means supplies could be there. I went up in the landing, and searched through the rooms. After a few time, I got bored, so i decided to write a message on the wall." I feel Maddy frowning.
"A message?"
"To tell where the camp was, in case someone would come you know? I thought it was a good idea."
"It was."
"I didn't get to finish it. Shouts were heard, and when I turned around, Infecteds had showed up. They were everywhere." Maddy tenses, and unvolunteerly grips onto my arm more. I feel proud all of a sudden, I didn't thought I was a good story teller, but she seems captivated. I continue, as a rush of confidence runs through my veins.
"I quickly reacted, and locked myself in a room. They almost got me though! I tried to keep my blood cool, and I checked at the window what I could do. The only solution was to get into the room next door, a staircase could lead me out of the building."
"Don't tell me you get through Them to go there!" She gasps.
"I didn't have the choice. I opened the door, pushed them away the best I could, and got there in one piece." She slaps my chest, and I gasp in offense.
"You could've get killed, idiot!"
"I would've died if I haven't done that. I got down thanks to the stairs, and helped the others. We shot, over and over again, until the trucks from the other groups came. I ran over them, but I heard a shout. I turned around, and the man you talked about earlier, was crawling on the concret as his leg was injuried. He was surrounded by Infecteds. I tried to shoot the most I could, but They were too numerous, and They were getting closer. The Boss ordered me to leave, but I couldn't. I had to do something. So I saw this huge butane tank, and fired at it."
"What happened?" Maddy, hanging onto my every word, demands. She has released my arm, and sat cross-legged face to me. I can see all of her expressions as I talk.
"It exploded, like I hoped it would, and I fell under the blow. I don't really know if I passed out or not, but  there was a whistle in my ears, and all the Infecteds around were burning, as the soldiers were taking them out easily. The Boss talked to me, but all I could focus on was the man, that was all right. I felt so relieved."
"You didn't even know him." Maddy remarks.
"I-I know it sounds crazy, risking my own life for a stranger, but I couldn't leave him to his tragic fate. No one deserves this, and he may have had a family there, and I have no one. It worthed it."
"Don't say such things, you have me, and Ethan! We cared about you a lot!"
"I know, it's just... It reminded me I came with them to find my brothers in the first place, but I failed." I lower my head as sadness and disappointment overwhelm me. Maddy takes my hand in hers.
"Even if we can't replace your family, just remember we're here, okay? We can be your new family." I tighten the grip on her hand.
"Thank you, Maddy."
"So, what happened next?" She smiles at me.
"The Boss warned me I was in deep shit. He was right. We barely arrived they held me like I was a criminal, and you know what's next."
"It must have been demanding."
"It was. But I got worse, I mean, I lived for months outside."
"More than all of us, indeed. I can't imagine what you had to endure."
"You don't want to, believe me. Luckily for me, I wasn't alone."
"I wasn't neither, Liam..."
I noticed she cut herself off for the second time, exactly before mentioning her ex boyfriend. She may not be that fine after all.
"You're okay?" I ask with a worried tone. She only hums in response.
"Rocky, can I try something?" She finally says after a short moment. I frown, being intrigued, but nod anyway. She slowly leans in, and I don't move away when her soft lips brush mines. She deepens the kiss by grabbing my face, when she sees I don't protest. It's when she pulls away, that I realize how much I missed this. The fireworks in my stomach need a moment to calm down, when she longly stares into my eyes. I'm too speechless too speak.
"Wh-what about..."
"He would have wanted me to move on. Listen, Rocky, I..." She scoots over, as she released a sigh. "I don't think I can pretend I don't feel anything any longer."
"This is, unexpecting, I mean, sorry, I just..." Maddy chuckles at my clumsiness.
"You make me happy, and you make me feel safe. This is... Hard to explain."
"You make me happy too. I see what you mean." I smile. She lets out a chuckle.
"So are we a thing, or...?"
"We should wait a little, just to be sure? I don't know if I'm clear... If you don't mind, of course." She nervously scratches her forearm. I put a reassuring hand on hers to make her stop.
"I think we should do that too."


I speed up, when the second alarm I set, just in case, rings out. I hate when people are late, it'd be hypocrite of me to be.
If only Rocky knew where I am going. Maddy would't mind, she'd understand. But if Rocky finds out I give music lesson (because yes, I didn't lie on this point) to Zayn, oh boy he's going to have a heart attack. Just by the way he glares at him whenever them bump into one other, I can tell he'll never stop hating him.
We chatted so much the other day, that we didn't even start the lessons. Much to my surprise, we have more common points than I thought. I prefer this Zayn much more.
I burst the door open, and scan the music room. Zayn's here already, waiting for me sat on a chair he unfolded. He doesn't notice me.
"Oh, sorry I'm late." I bite my lips, while I move forward. As I do so, he hastily stands up.
"No, no! You're not! I was early. You came right on time."
I take a chair for myself, and settle it in front of Zayn as he sits back. I let out a sigh when I sit, staring at him. He stays quiet, and I'd bet he's avoiding my insistent gaze.
"I would ask have you reviewed what we've done last day, but we didn't even started yet." I jokingly state. Zayn snorts.
"How are you doing?" He surely didn't expect my question. His head shoot up at me, and he stares a few seconds with eyes filled with surprise. He ends up looking away, hidding his cheeks that redden from embarassement.
"As good as I can be. What about you?"
"Pretty fine, since last time. I've spent the day with Rocky and Maddy since we were all free. It was cool."
"I'm sorry for disturbing it." Zayn quickly excuses himself. He fidgets his fingers." We can do that another time, so you could go join them."
"Hey, no, don't worry. It was planned this way. Besides, I'll get to see them at dinner, it's fine really."
"I didn't know, I didn't mean to..."
"I said it's fine, chill." I interrupt him, more serious. He quickly glances at me, and nods.
Silence falls upon us. The tone I used probably put a damper on the atmosphere. I didn't want to be stern or anything, just to make him understand it was fine. He seems guilty about it, and I can tell he still is. I intensily eye him since he lowered his head, in shame probably, and I can't help but feel a rush of compassion, and remorse.
I'm not as afraid of him as I used to be. We put our cards on the table, and I know he didn't lie. He won't hurt me in any ways anymore. I finally feel I can be myself with him now. And I clearly see he's doing his best to make up to me, to the point he overdoes. Whenever something curious happens, he apologizes for it, even though it isn't his fault. It's never his fault. Actually, it's no one's.
I chew on my bottom lip. He still doesn't budge from his seat.
"I should've not talked to you this way, I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay, it's just... It reminded me of my father. He's always like that whenever I disappoint him. So pretty much all the time."
"Have you told him yet?"
"Wanna talk about it?" I lean forward. He shakes his head.
"No, it's none of your problems. I'll deal with it."
"Okay then. Just know that... I'm here if you change your mind." This time, he raises his head at me. It reveals the small, but genuine smile on his face.
"Hey, you know what's gonna cheer up? Music. It'll always work." He pouts.
"I'm not so sure about that."
"Let me prove it then."
I stand up from my chair, under his curious gaze. I hand my hand at him.
I smile widely, as he eventually accept to grab it and follow me on the stage.


I'm so sorry for that



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