The Werewolf in the Woods...3

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Chapter 3

Ady's POV

     Loren's been acting really strange these pass few weeks.

     I don't question him about it because last time I did, we got into an argument. I just sometimes let it go. Whatever he saw that night, he hasn't been normal ever since. And if he thought that he saw a wolf, he tries to get it out of his mind.

     I guess he doesn't want to bring those memories back.

     I was at Loren's house, again. His parents went out with my parents for dinner, or so they say. They said they might be back between 12 at midnight and 4 in the morning. Some dinner that is!

     Mel came to Loren's house. She totally surprised us. She was happy but then she was also kind of sad. I guess because of that Kenny problem.

     "He still hasn't came to see you?" I asked.

     She shook her head and coughed.

     Loren's eyes widened. "He has to. Sooner or later,'ll both die."

     "Jeez, Loren," I say. "Way to try to make her better."

     Mel shook her head. "Let's go inside, there's going to be a bad storm." We looked at the sky and sure enough dark clouds started to cover up the blue sky.

     We didn't do anything. We couldn't do anything. The cable was out, the power was about to go out, and then someone banged on the door. We all jumped.

     Of course, the man of the house went to go get it. Mel and I were a little to jumpy and scared. When he opened the door, I sensed the anger on him. He slammed the door on someone's face and walked back to us. "Stupid prick," he muttered.

     "Uh, who was that?" Mel wondered.

     Loren shook his head. Mel, curiously, got up to go see who was at the door, when that person opened the door himself and said, "Look, Loren. I can explain-" he stopped in his tracks, frozen like a statue in front of Mel. "M-Melina?"

     Mel whispered her mate's name. "Kenny." She sounded happy, but then she started breathing hard like she was about to go off. Her hands were in fists like she wanted to throw a punch and then she yelled, "Get the hell out you bastard!!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~Mel's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

     Loren slammed the door right in someone's face. Then he said, "Stupid prick."

     Wow, who is that stupid prick? Beside's someone I know who is definitely a stupid prick. I don't know why, but some how the wolf inside me got excited.

     It's pretty strange, considering I'm not excited at all. I wanted to know who's at that door that Loren is so mad at. I got up and was about to open the door when someone opened the door himself. "Loren, I can explain-" he stopped walking when he saw it was me instead of Loren. He was standing there, frozen like a statue in front of me. "Melina?"

     "Kenny." That's why the wolf inside me was happy. My mate was here. The wolf inside me sensed him here. Now, I was mad. I was far from excited. I started breathing hard, getting ready to yell at him and my hands were in fists. "Get the hell out, you bastard!!!!!"

     "No, wait! Mel, please! I can exp-" he tried to touch me, but I'm not letting him touch me, ever again.

     "That's what all boys say!" I snatched away from him. "You can't explain. You can leave."

     He looked so sad. "But....we're mates."

     "If we're mates, why didn't you come see me? Why did you leave after I gave my virginity to you?! I'm not some booty call, Kendrick!"

     "Of course you're not. But if you would just please-"

     Ady got up. "Kenny, I think you're done here."

     "Ady, please. I have an excuse. Wait, that didn't come out right. I can really explain if she would just let me!"

     "You really think she'll let you talk to her after what you did?" Loren got up, angry.

     "Guys, you're acting like I stole something!"

     "You stole my heart! And then threw it away," I yelled. I turned away from him. I couldn't look at him anymore. I didn't even want to listen to him.

     I know that pushing him away is a big mistake because without your mate, you could die. But he's not a true mate.

     "My mother died! Is that what you wanted to hear?!" There was an awkward silence in the room. I slowly turned around and looked at him and he had one single tear escape his eye. "She was in the hospital when I found out we were mates. The doctor said she wasn't going to live very long, and I wanted to spend those last few months with her."

     "Why didn't you call?" I breathed out.

     "Because after I left and hadn't called you before, I thought you didn't want to see me again. I thought you would just dump me and deny that we're mates. But that's not who you are."

     Loren and Ady had backed off and were watching closely.

     Kenny took a couple of steps forward before dropping to his knees and looking up at me. From the corner of my eye, I saw Loren's eyebrows raise when Kenny dropped to his knees in front of me. "I'm sorry, Melina. All I'm asking for is your forgiveness. If you won't forgive me, I understand and I'll leave you alone if you want. I'll even have our bond removed. Just say the words. But if you forgive me, then I will not let you out of my sight. I will make up for everything that we missed together."

     To be honest, I was shocked that he dropped to his knees. I hadn't pictured Kenny as the type of guy to do that. He waited for my answer, well, they all waited for my answer. A tear escaped my eye and all I could do was nod.

     He smiled and crushed me to him.

     I had to admit, I did miss being in his arms.


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