The Werewolf in the Woods...26

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Chapter 26

     Outside, the guard led them through a series of dark tunnels, deeper into the heart of the cave. "Your friends will be near the exit as well. I have no doubt that the Alpha did not want them here any longer than he wanted you here." The air grew colder and thinner as they descended, and Marissa found herself gasping for breath. Dominic, ever the protector, offered her his arm and she gladly took it.

     Finally, they emerged into a small, rocky clearing. The guard pointed to a narrow path that wound its way out of the cave. "That's your way out," he said, his voice harsh. "And I wouldn't recommend coming back."

     They thanked the guard, but he turned and left without another word. For a moment, they stood in silence, taking in the vast expanse before them. Then, with a nod, they began to walk up the path. The wind picked up, whipping through their hair, and the air grew colder still.

     As they hiked, Marissa found herself thinking about everything that had happened. She thought about the other wolves they had seen, the ones who had been turned against their will, and she felt a weight settle in her stomach. They may have been given a choice, but there were countless others who were not so lucky. She vowed, in that moment, that she would do everything in her power to help them, to bring down the Alpha and his twisted empire.

     Finally, Jasmine, Dominic, and Marissa meet up with Ady, Loren, Brad, Kenny, Aaron, Mel, Amaris, and Cqari.

     Chris glanced over at Ady, a mix of regret and relief in his eyes. "I can't help but feel sorry that it had to come to this. Our reunion was far from ideal, but I must admit, it was truly amazing to see you again." 

      Ady's lips curled into a faint smile as she responded, her voice filled with understanding. "I feel the same way, Chris. Let's make a promise to ourselves that next time we meet, it will be under better circumstances. We'll find a way to make it happen, okay?"

     Chris nodded. "Say hi to Paige for me, will you?"

     Unable to resist, Ady embraced Chris tightly, letting out a contented sigh. "I will."

     They shared a moment of silence, each lost in their own thoughts about what had transpired. Finally, Jasmine stepped forward. "We need to get moving," she said, her voice firm. "We don't want to stay on their turf when we agreed to eave.

     Everyone nodded, exchanging glances and quickly but surely but their back to Brian's hideout.

     Marissa took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "So, where do we go from here?" she asked, looking at each of her new friends in turn. "What's our plan to take down the Alpha?"

     Loren shrugged. "I don't know. But we have to find a way to organize, to gather more information."

     "We'll find a way," Dominic said, his voice firm. "We have to. We can't just sit back and let them keep doing this to people."

     "Leave that to me," Brian spoke up. "I've been tracking this sucker down for almost a decade now. I know all of his moves, his locations, his favorite hi-jacking spots. You kids don't worry about the Alpha. I will do everything in my power to take him down. You all head on home. You've already been through too much."

     "Are you sure, Brian?" Dominic asked, looking at him with concern. "I mean, we can help--"

     "No," he interrupted firmly. "This is personal for me. I won't rest until he pays for what he's done. Now, you all need to go home and live your lives. I'll handle this."

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