The Werewolf in the Woods...19

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Author's Note: 

Thank you all for your patience. I've had writer's block since I started college like 7 years ago (Go Blue). I've finally found a nice career choice that I am settling into, and I have finally been able to collect my thoughts together and begin writing again. I couldn't leave this book alone like this, and I am very sorry for keeping you all waiting. I will say that I have gotten better at my writing style, so I'll be going in and heavily editing both books. Please enjoy the story. :)


Chapter 19

Third-Person POV

Two Months Later

     "Did Aaron leave again?"

     Amaris looked up as Brad leaned over and asked Amaris the same question he had been asking him every single week for two months now. Amaris did a quick sweep of the room, spotting Loren and Ady by the fireplace and Mel and Kenny on the couch. With his enhanced hearing, he could hear Brian in the other room scribbling down notes at his desk. Hoping he was doing some more research on where Dominic's girlfriend was and the Viscosoes so that they could all go home and live happily ever after.

     Not that any of them had a problem with being in Italy.

     Cqari was in the other room on her Kindle on Duolingo practicing her Italian. He could very clearly hear the distinct bell whenever she got words or phrases correct. Amaris lifted his head and looked outside at the screen door. Dominic was outside sitting on the porch. Brad was very obviously right beside him. Which left Aaron out.

     "Yeah, he left," Amaris finally responded.

     Brad looked grim. He shifted uncomfortable at the table, looking like he wanted to get something off of his chest. Amaris raised an eyebrow and waited for Brad to say something. "Has he been acting weird to you? Lately?"

     Amaris shrugged. "I mean, I haven't known the guy for as long as you have, but I guess so, yeah."

     Brad nodded slowly. Yeah, he wasn't done asking questions. Amaris could see the wheels turning in Brad's head. At this point, he was just waiting for him to-- "I just think it's weird because we usually go everywhere together, you know? We're best friends. We used to always tell each other what's up."

     It was Amaris' turn to nod slowly. "Right," he said slowly. "And has he not been telling you where he was going?"

     "Not at all. He just says he'll be back and then be gone for hours."

     "And how does that make you feel?"

     Brad opened his mouth to answer and then frowned at Amaris who was currently trying to hold back a laugh. "Dude, this isn't couple's therapy. I'm serious."

     "No, yeah. This is serious. Utterly and completely."

     "Fuck off, man."

     Both of them laughed again. Amaris could see a bit of tension leave Brad's shoulders. Poor guy was lonely, it was kind of obvious. He leaned on Aaron for most things, but when Aaron kept disappearing, Brad didn't have much to go off of. 

     "Why don't you go after him?"

     Brad furrowed his eyebrows. Like he hadn't thought about that? Sure, Aaron was a grown ass man and didn't need to be babysat, but when you keep disappearing for hours and not giving anyone any explanation, maybe you did need to be followed.

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