The Werewolf in the Woods...1

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Chapter 1

Ady's POV

     After I had gotten out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself. Pepsi was in my bed, waiting for me, his tongue rolled out. I smiled. "Hi, Pepsi. You like my new bed?" I put on some black boy shorts and a faded purple tank top. I sat on my bed, playing with Pepsi.

     It's been 3 months since New Years day. It's getting awful hot now. It never snowed, which I think is extremely weird. But it's really hot these days, like in the 70's and 80's.

     Mel has been calling me. She said Kenny hasn't called her. She wonders if he's cheating on her or something. But the crazy thing about that is Mel lost her virginity to him and that's when they both found out that they were mates. But Kenny hasn't called her or anything. She thinks it was just a booty-call.

     I was gonna ask Loren when he came over today about that. But he might not know either because Kenny hasn't been talking to anybody lately. Maybe he's shocked about the mate thing. Who knows? I sure am going to have a chat with him, I know that's for sure.

     Pepsi barked and ran downstairs right before the bell rung. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs. Pepsi was wagging his tail and when I opened the door, he jumped on someone. "Hey, Pepsi! You been a good boy?" That person rubbed Pepsi's head and played with his ears.

     When that person looked up, all I saw was bright green eyes, and I immediately knew who it was. Those bright eyes traveled up and down my body and those eyes started to glow, but before I knew it, mine were glowing too.


     We smiled at each other. Pepsi jumped off of him and Loren came in, shutting the door behind him. "So, where are your parents again?" he asked in that husky voice of his that I love.

     "They're still getting decorations and stuff for the house, then they'll be going to some kind of party and they won't be back until probably 6 in the morning."

     He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? So...we have the house to ourselves, then?" He started coming closer to me.

     "I guess we do!" I giggled when he picked me up bridal style and he went upstairs to my room, putting me softly in my bed. He got on top of me, settling in between my legs. I looked into his glowing green eyes and cupped his cheek. "I missed you, Loren. You've been away for about a whole week."

     "I know and I'm sorry. Next time, I'll just bring you with me." He smiled before kissing me softly. I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck, getting my fingers tangled in his soft hair. His hand slid up my thigh and he wrapped my whole leg around his torso.

     "Depends on where you are going next time," I said when his lips left mine to kiss my neck and such.

     "Wouldn't you want to go anywhere with me all the time?" he asked looking up at me. Before I could answer, my phone vibrated on my dresser next to me. Loren and I both sighed and he got off of me and sat beside me. I grabbed my phone and it was Mel. I answered.



     "Hey, Mel. What's up? Got anything from Kenny yet?"

     I heard her sigh. "No. It's been....well it's been a long time. I'm getting really really worried now. I think....I think he's using me."

     "What? No, Mel, don't say that. I mean, you guys are mates, he's gonna have to come to you sooner or later, right?" I looked over at Loren and he had taken his jacket off. He held his hand out for the phone. "Hold on." I put the phone on speaker and gave the phone to him. He knew I was worried because he must see it on my face. He patted the bed beside him. I smiled and sat on his lap, instead, sretching my legs on the bed. He smiled and wrapped his free arm around my waist.

     "Hello?" Mel said.

     "Hey, Mel. It's me, Loren."

     She gasped. "Loren?! Oh my god! Loren! I'm worried about Kenny!"

     He chuckled. "What happened?"

     "He....hasn't called me..he hasn't visited me! And..I lost my virginity to him, Loren! After that, we found out we were mates! And he....he hasn't called me, nothing happened! I'm starting to think that this was a booty call or something. Or maybe he's cheating on me, or..I don't know. Can you please talk to him?"

     Loren looked pretty shocked to hear this. He looked at me and I shrugged. "I..uh..I haven't talked to him either. Maybe he's shocked that he has a mate. I mean, we all thought that he wouldn't get a mate because you find your mate when you're little. But, I think he just maybe needs some time to think about it."

     That's what I said!

     "How long has it been since you know?" he rolled his eyes at me when I laughed. He's like a little kid, not wanting to say the word.

     "Since at least 4 days after New Years. He came to visit me and that's when we did it. That was 3 months ago, Loren!"

     Loren's mouth dropped open. His face got serious now. It seems like he's worried about it too. "Yeah, I'll look for that asshole for you, Mel. Don't worry. When I find him, I'm gonna punch the shit out of him, okay?"

     We heard Mel laugh through the phone. Loren was glad that he made her smile and I laughed too. "Okay. Thanks, Loren. Can I with Ady right quick?"

     I took the phone, although it's still on speaker. "I'm here."

     Her voice got all secretive and I knew that she was probably about to say something that Loren shouldn't hear. Before I could flip the phone open, go through it, and take it off speaker, she had already said, "Ady, since Loren is there, are you gonna wear that lingerie and give him a lap dance like you said you might?"

     I heard Loren slightly gasp and my cheeks burned, like, really burned. "Mel, I gotta go, bye!" I hung up, quickly, and got off of Loren lap to put the phone on charger. Needing something to do to avoid Loren's gaze, I looked out of the window, looking down at the quiet neighborhood.

     I heard the bed shift and I heard his quiet footsteps. I felt him behind me and he threw his arms around my waist. "You have lingerie and you were gonna dance for me?"

     My cheeks burned, still. "'s embarrassing!" I hissed.

     He chuckled and I felt his chest rumble. His breath tickled my neck and I shivered. "I would love to see you in lingerie. But when you're ready to, you can show me. I'm not gonna force you."

     I sighed. "This is why I love you, Loren," I smiled and kissed him softly.

     He smiled. "I love you-" he was trying to say but he looked outside of the window. His eyes stopped glowing and they got darker.

     "Loren?" I turned around and looked out of the window. I didn't see anything suspicious. "Uh..Loren?" I looked at him.

     He shook his head. "Nothing. Sorry. I thought I saw something. C'mon," he pulled my hand and we went downstairs where Pepsi was barking at the window. "Pepsi. Come here, boy!" Loren said.

     Pepsi went from barking to growling. Then it stopped and he went to Loren, sitting at his feet.

     "Something isn't right," Loren said. When I looked at him, he had a serious look on his face like what he saw outside wasn't nothing.


Just to let everyone know, Kenny is NOT the mysterious guy that I put for the Prologue!!!! ;D And I know it's short but be happy that this is chapter 1 of the sequel! :D

The Werewolf in the Woods (Sequel to TWITC)Where stories live. Discover now