"Test number two," Aizawa interrupted the conversations," Grip strength."

"I can't really rely on any of the animals for this," (Y/n) sweat dropped as Mezo scored 540 kilograms.

"Are you a gorilla?!?" Sero exclaimed as he looked at the score," Or an octopus??"

"Octopuses are sexy," Mineta let out, causing (Y/n) to send a weird look at him and scoot away.

"(Y/n) here," Mezo gave her the grip and she took it.

She closed her eyes as she gripped onto it, waiting until it beeped.

"60.03," it read.

"Now, trial three," Aizawa looked around as he led the group towards a sand box.

(Y/n) snapped and Mamoru was summoned.

She gripped onto him as he jumped over the sand and landed softly at the end.

"Thank you Mamoru!" (Y/n) smiled as he went away bowing.

"I didn't do well on the side steps," (Y/n) mumbled to Mezo, Mina, and Tsu," I think I'll do good on the ball throw," Her eyes lit up," I can use peregrine and she can fly away with the ball."

"INFINITY?!?" Kaminari let out as the group looked at Uraraka's score.

"I wish my quirk was something as cool as yours!" (Y/n) said happily to Uraraka as they passed eachother, (Y/n) being called up.

"(Y/n) (L/n)," Aizawa analyzed her," You look familiar..."

"Oh no I'm not anyone special," (Y/n) smiled at him, causing him to squint his eyes at her.

'What a weird teacher,' She thought to herself before taking a deep breath and summoning a falcon," Hikari catch," she threw the ball up and the bird that was once perched on her shoulder, she sighed," Ready Hikari?"

The bird chirped in response.

"Soar," (Y/n) commanded and pointed strait, causing the bird to fly with full speed.

After a minute Aizawa sighed," Tell it to drop the ball."

"Hikari is not an it, she can fly for hours," (Y/n) stated while glaring at her teacher," If I don't pass out or begin to act like a falcon that is..."

"Just drop the damn ball," He muttered and cut off her quirk," You're gonna give me dry eye..."

"Then you shouldn't use your quirk on me," She muttered, watching as the ball dropped to the floor.

"1609.344," The number popped up on his screen and she smiled.

She walked back towards her group, passing the plain looking boy," You got this!"

"T-Thanks," He stuttered then walked towards the field.

"He's a quirkless extra," Bakugo sneered at Midoriya.

"Just because he's quirkless doesn't mean he can't be a hero," (Y/n) stated, smiling at Midoriya who was talking to Aizawa," Someone in the past mentioned that to me..."

"You're father was quirkless?" The hero stared at the girl in wonder," He was a hero."

She sadly smiled at the words," To become a hero you have to have a good heart, or you're just as good as a villain."

"Whatever you say you extra," Katsuki rolled his eyes at the bubbly girl.

"You should be kinder, you would be a great hero if you weren't such a mean person," (Y/n) smiled at him, causing him to blush and look away from her.

"Stupid cute girl," He muttered as he stared at her while she walked towards a group of extras.

"I placed ninth out of 21," (Y/n) sighed," Poor Izuku he got 21st..."

She looked around for the boy and stared at him as he stood there in shock.

"The expulsion thing was a lie," Aizawa stated, looking around at the shocked faces.

"Oh thank god," (Y/n) muttered, happy that the nice boy got to stay in the school.

"Midoriya go to the nurses office. (L/n) take him there," Aizawa commanded and the both of them nodded.

"C'mon Midoriya-Kun," She smiled as they started walking down one of the long hallways of the school.

"Hey (Y/n) what is your quirk exactly?" He asked with a curious look on his face.

"It's a quirk based on bonds. I can summon animals but they only do what I say when I create a bond with them. It's different for each animal," (Y/n) told him, smile still on her face," The drawback is when I have one animal out for too long I can start to look or become like the animal."

"Oh," Midoriya whispered," Thanks for sticking up for me, Kaa-Chan doesn't really like me..."

"Why? Both of you are going to be heroes, I don't see a point to hate others if you want to save others," (Y/n) said, even though a specific person was on her mind," Although you can hold personal grudges, you can't let them change your mind."

"Heroes," Midoriya whispered as the two stood in front of the door to the Nurse's office.

"Hey Midoriya-Kun?" (Y/n) whispered.


"I think you can become a great hero even though you're quirkless," (Y/n) sent him a smile," Now heal up okay?"

"Thank you..." Midoriya stared at her with a blush on his cheeks," I'll be the best hero."

"Good luck Midoriya!" (Y/n) exclaimed and started making her way back towards the classroom of 1-A.


"Kirishima please calm down," Tokoyami sighed as the red haired boy jumped around from excitement.

"It's okay Tokoyami-Kun," She smiled," Y-Yeah my quirk isn't anything special, I mean, Todoroki-Kun has ice powers and Yaoyorozu-San can create things," She blushed as a few students looked over at her," I really like their powers and I have a okay power compared to some of them, I mean my power is okay-"

"(Y/n) you're ranting again," Mezo interrupted her before she could speak anymore.

"Sorry gotta get rid of that habit," She muttered.

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