1761: Mystery calls

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I stood on the roof of Clara's house hearing her and Jacob arguing. They've been like this for weeks and I was thrilled, she was breaking and I liked watching the show. "Yes good my darling." He smiled.

I climbed down the side of the house. I see her in the sitting room on her hands and knees, as I see Jacob walking out of the room. "Oh this is just too good." I smiled, jumping down landing on the ground and walking out of their yard. "Ahh, sunrise." I smiled looking at the sunrise. "Now I have a meeting with Jonathan." I fixed myself up before walking into the direction of the tavern.

After a few minutes I reached the tavern and walked inside. I see Jonathan sitting in the corner with his young son Benedict. I gave him a nod, letting him know of my arrival. I made my way towards him and he ordered his young son to leave the table and I make my way to the table and sit, placing my hat on the table besides me.

"He's growing up quite quickly isn't he?" He smiles facing his son. "How old is he now?" I asked, looking at Benedict.

"He's five now, same age as the twins of our new brothers." I laughed looking at him. "He's no brother of mine, can't stand them actually."

"Jonathan I totally agree." He smirks, sticking his hand out for the barmaid to hands us a beer.

I got handed a beer and smiled at Jonathan. "What's the news on Clara and Jacob?" He asked, taking another sip of his drink.

"Clara is about to break I assume she will tell him what we did to her in the past." He smirks. "I don't doubt that we will have Jacob after us soon." He smiles looking at me.

"Well looks like we are going to have to kill Jacob O'brien." I chuckled taking another sip of my drink. "I have an idea about Shay." I place the beer back on the table leaning forward.

"My son and their daughter are the same age." I smirked knowing what he's wanting. "Until he comes of age and becomes a templar. I'll make sure he courts her with the intention of gaining information." I smirked as he continued, I loved this idea. "If she's anything like her mother, I'm sure we could use this to our advantage."

"We will find out through her. A woman is easy to manipulate when she's in love." Both Jonathan and I chuckle as we smashed out glasses against one another.


"Shay?" I hear my wife call as she smiled patting out her dress. "Do you like it?" I nodded, walking towards her. "Clara and I went dress shopping, I hated wearing dresses in America so I've made a new style of dress, it looks like a dress but." She pauses and lifted up the material showing her pants. "But underneath it's leggings." I chuckled looking at my wife.

"Wow, so that's what you've been doing." I asked. "I've not seen you in ages, you've been too busy with Clara." She smiles, removing my hands from her waist. "I know we have to go in a minute, but don't remove my hands from your waist again." I demanded.

"Oh is that so, master cormac?" Evie spoke looking up at me. "We need to talk about something before we go and watch the signing of our new alliance with Spain." She states, I looked her confused, as she placed her hand on my chest.

"I think we should talk to Patrick about the templar order." I looked at her confused. "I watched him with you the other day and I saw so much of us." I sighed, looking down. "Isn't this what you wanted darling?"

I walk towards the door and closed it as Haytham was down stairs with the children. "I know this is what I want, but is this what you really want?" I paused. "We have to ask the grandmaster." She shakes her head, scoffing at the idea.

Ugh here we go. "What is that meant to mean?" I asked raising my voice slightly. "Do you have a problem with our new grandmaster?"

"No of course not." I knew her far to well. "I appreciate our new grandmaster he's given me a mission but he's also untrustworthy." I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "He's not Haytham." I cut her off there.

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