1757: Family

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I'd laid down in Shay's arms. He was here, I was here, it was just us. "Why is now so perfect?" I asked, as he leaned on his elbow placing his hand on my stomach.

"Because I'm here." He joked, which made me giggle. "It is perfect." He paused. "Phoebe?" I looked confused, Shay turned to face me. "Phoebe if it's a girl?" I smiled leaning up to sit up.

"Yes, I like that." I smiled kissing him. "Phoebe Rose Cormac."

"Phoebe Rose Cormac?" Shay asked. "Yes, I think that would suit Patrick Henry Cormac."

"Yes, I think that would do nicely."  Smiling wide at my husband. Shay moved the hair from my face tucking it safely behind my ear. "Yes, that sounds like a good standard name." He chuckles giving me another kiss. "We soon will be completely out numbered." He whispers against my lips, I place my hands on his cheek.

"No we won't, you have a whole crew." He smiles placing his lips against mine.

I pulled back. "Darling, I think it's time to get moving, the fire is on its last strands of life." Shay pointed towards the fire that we made. "Besides we need food, I can't eat goats anymore!" He continued.

We got up and put our weapons on and started climbing the trees that surrounded us. As Shay and I were climbing the trees I couldn't help but have a small smile on my face. I haven't done this in a while and it was nice. "What a view." I shouted as we saw ice and snow over the tops of the mountains.

I've been a Templar working as an inside man, however I didn't get much information, nor field experience. I can't remember the last time I actually climbed a tree. "When was the last time you climbed a tree?" Shay shouts back.

"My last day of training, I was racing with Liam." I shouted as he was far in front of me. "What a waste of time that was." I hear Shay laugh.

"Weren't you an inside man working for the templars?" He asked as he waited for me to catch up. "Pretty sneaking, Evie." He continued.

"I thought so too. I had Patrick with most of the time, I wasn't leaving him with Louis." I smiled as I caught up.

"It's like I'm retraining!" I giggled, leaning on a branch to catch my breath. "Fuck, try doing this with a baby inside." I complained as I saw Shay chuckling.

"One thing I remember about those days is when we first started training. You know when you're training to hunt and use the meat from the animal you killed." I paused. "Kesegowaase, was teaching me and I remember him complaining." I smiled at the thought of that memory.

"What made him complain?" Shay asked. "We're you taking forever?" He asked as I got up ready to jump to the other branch.

"Of course I was, you were walking underneath and I was watching you." I admit to jumping to the other tree branch.


Kesegowaase was far ahead of me. "Come on Evie." He shouts as I realise I was staring for too long down at Shay who walked underneath placing boxes in front of the house. "Come on Evie" I hear Kesegowaase call again. "I'm not waiting here all day!" Liam continued and I shook my head came back to reality and made my way over to Kesegowaase.

"Sorry, Kesegowaase." I apologise as I took one last glance at Shay jumped to the next tree and caught up with Kesegowaase.

"You were looking at Shay weren't you?" I nodded, I knew how he felt about my liking towards Shay.

"He was distracting me he was singing a shanty? It was catchy." I tried my best to lie but Kesegowaase knew me far too well.

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