1759: Father, Mother & Uncle

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A new year has come and I was off on my first mission of the year of our lord 1759. I would be leaving my two month old twins and my six year old son behind and I had no idea when i'd next see them.

We all stood on the docks, I kissed Evie. "You'll be alright." I smile, turning my attention to my son. "Look after your mother and I'll be back as soon as you know it." I leaned in to kiss his cheek but he turned away from me, which hurt.

"Patrick." Evie warned. "Say good bye to your father." He shakes he head and turns away from and walks back towards the house.

"I'll get him." Mary smiles as she rushes after my son. I walk over to Evie taking her in my arms and holding her ever so tightly.

"You come back to me with all the parts you left with." She demands, I nod extracting from the embrace we shared. "I love you." She smiles, I didn't say it back, I gave her a kiss on her forehead and turned to walk aboard my ship.

I wave from the ships wheel and watched as Evie shrunk into the distance. "I love you darling."

"Patrick?" I called as he slammed the door to the room. "Patrick. Papa will be back as soon as he can." I lied, I had no idea when he was coming back, I just didn't want Patrick to be upset anymore.

"He lied mama." He cried from behind the door. I couldn't hear it, I barged my way into his room and sat in front of him. "I wanted to go." I pulled him in for a hug, holding him in my arms.

"I know, I want to go too! I know." I tried my best to calm my son, but it wasn't gonna happen quickly.


I held him in my arms for a good while, before I had to leave to conduct my mission.

I kneeled from the rooftop, watching Louis my husband walk along with baskets in his hands.

"Ahh," I whisper, holding onto my stomach. "Fuck." I groaned, I was still in so much pain from the birth but men don't know that, and to be fair I did yell at my grandmaster about not being on missions. "I guess this is as best it's gonna get." I followed him into what I assume was his building.

I climbed into the top story window placing my hood over the top of my head covering any form of identity being taken. "You're dead," I whispered as I followed him as I walked along a beam that was high above him. I saw him go into another room, which I assume was his quarters while he was here.

I jumped down landing awkwardly and grunted in pain as my scar split open. "Well well isn't it Mrs Cormac." I looked up seeing Louis standing over me, he pushed my hood off relieving my face. "Oh, you look terrible, has Shay finally started hitting you?" He laughed, I stood up flicking out my blade.

I looked into his eyes seeing his dark soul. "No, I just gave birth to his twins," I smirked, staring right into his eyes. "However, I'm not here to talk. I have a job to do." I smirked, walking towards him, holding out my blade. "Your death has be a long one waiting." I spoke with determination.

Louis soon realised that he was in danger but I knew him too well to know that isn't going to be easy. "Well let's go then." He clicked his fingers and I was soon surrounded by his men. "Welcome to another creed, this is the Black Nation Pride." I looked around and saw ex-assassins and templars banded together.

"Henry?" I asked looking at who I thought was an assassin, he was one when Shay and I were under Achilles. "We thought you died." I tried to talk to him but he came over to me with his blade against my throat.

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