1758: The Greatest Strenght

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"While we're delivering babies they're busy making them." Shay chuckles as our little family gathered together in our room. "I can't believe we had twins." I just chuckled as I began feeding Jacob Junior, the doctor had just left, and it was a little uncomfortable having my brother and future sister-in-law go at it like rabbits.

"Well, that was us once upon a time." I smiled. "I never thought I'd be able to have children again." I admit, I was so sad when I found out I lost Phoebe, I was literally broken. "However, now we have two new babies to share our love with." I paused, I really wanted us to be together for always, no missions. No missions, no Templar business keeping us apart. "Remember when I thought you were pirates?" I asked as I tried to dis sway my mind off the thought.

"I realised he was my son when he said his last name. I just need to see you to confirm it." He paused. "I mean who names a child Patrick?" Shay chuckled as he looks over at Patrick who laid beside me asleep.

"Well I liked it! I wanted him to have something off you." Shay just chuckles, walking over to swap the twins around, he was great with them and I was lucky to have him, but I knew this wasn't going to last long. "But now Patrick has turned into you! He's a miniature Shay Patrick Cormac, I hope he doesn't say his whole name when he introduces himself." I chuckled, as I see my husband reaction.

"Oh, how is that?" He chuckles as he takes baby Jacob from me and holds him in his arms. "What has he been up to?" I shook my head in no, he wasn't going to get it out of me.

"Why don't you ask him in the morning?" I chuckled. "He misses you, Shay." I let a tear fall as I watched my eldest child sleep beside me.

"I wish I didn't have to leave the little guy, but we're so close." I smiled as I knew he was trying to cheer me up. "I'll talk to him in the morning, but for now, I think it's time for bed." He yawns. "I haven't been more excited for anything but sleeping in a bed that doesn't move." I chuckled, I liked that about sailing, the waves when they were calm used to rock me asleep.

"Take him for me, while I put Patrick to bed." I smiled taking baby Jacob and holding them both, looking at Shay as he picks up his eldest son and carries him out of the room. "I'll be back Evie." I smiled as started rocking my twins to sleep.

"Mistress?" I hear Mary come in. "Would you like me to tuck them into bed?" I smile, shaking my head in no. "Are you sure, you need to rest?"

"Mary how many times must I ask you to call me Evie?" I asked. I never considered Mary or any of the our house keepers, kitchen hands and all that as servants, we considered them as people and always invited them to eat dinner and call us by our names not mistress or master.

"Apologies Evie, it's become force of habit." She smiles. "Did you want me to help?" She asks as she comes into the room.

"Yes, could you help me put them to bed. I haven't got a lot of arms." I giggle  as Mary came over to me and took Jacob and Florence holding them tightly as I carefully got up.


I walked into the room across the way from Evie and mine, looking around at my son's room. He is extremely talented in his art, must be from his mother, I couldn't draw a straight line. "Papa?" A crocky whisper came from Patrick as I laid him down on his bed. "You're not going to leave us are you?" I shook my head in no, I didn't want to lie to him but I couldn't face him being mad at me.

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