1758: Final Days

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I took Patrick outside as we heard Evie and Shay in the next room. "Come on buddy." I picked up my nephew and taking him out of the house.

"Are mama and papa fighting?" I shook my head. "What is it?" He asked as I placed him on the ground, kneeling in front of him.

"It's just an adult game, it's been a crazy few months for your parents, they're just spending time together." He nods and takes his new toy and plays with it in front of the cannonballs.

"Don't touch them Patrick." I ordered, he nods and stays away from them.

"Hello son." I turn seeing Haytham, I nodded my head in his direction.

"I wouldn't go in there." I demanded, holding my arm out to stop him.

"Who are you to prevent me from going anywhere?" He asked, as we hear Evie shout.

"Shay!" I squinted my eyes from second hand embarrassment.

"I think they're nearly done sir." I chuckle as he stood back. "I know we have already met but the name is Jacob O'Brien by the way." I introduced myself anything to break the awkward situation we both had ourselves in.

"Haytham Kenway." I released his hand I shook Edward Kenway son's hand.

"You're the son of Edward?" He nods placing his hands behind his back. "Sorry, I just idolised your father's adventures in the West Indies." I apologised turning back to face Patrick.

"It's alright, I know he was a hero to you assassins." I nod. "Evie mentioned you were in London?"

"Yeah, just a few years back. What a waste of time that was." I admit. "I'm sure they've told you about me being an assassin."

"Yeah, she mentioned that!" He paused, I gulped he was quite frightening. "You're the one who took down my mentor Birch." This has gone to well uncomfortable.

"Ahh yes, sorry about that." I walked away from him to go to my nephew. "Hey Patrick save your uncle from getting beaten." I demanded picking him up and taking him to the garden.

I waited outside watching Jacob with his nephew. "How was the ocean?" Patrick shouts, I chuckle.

"Well you know your uncle isn't fond of a wavy bed, nor does he wish to be on the ocean." He paused as he pointed to a flower with his right hand as he held Patrick in his left arm. "However, your papa has given me some tips on preventing nausea." He continues.

I heard Evie and Shay behind me. "Sir?" Shay greeted as he stood besides me. "Sorry for keeping you waiting." He apologised, I held my hand up. "Just following your orders."

"No problems Shay!" I turn to face Evie who refused to look back up at me. "My orders huh?" I asked with a question look. I turn to see Evie standing behinds me, I give her a smile before greeting her. "Evie?"

"Shay, I've told Evie about her no longer joining you on missions." I told Shay, clearing my throat.

"Yeah she just told me." He fixed himself up as I see Evie do the same.
"Sir, I don't want to leave Evie unprotected like that again."

"Understood." I turn to face Evie. "I'll see if I can find some redcoats to guard in Shay's absent." Shay thanked me and we all turned our attention to Patrick.

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