69) Wifi In The Shower?

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The day went on. It has only been a few hours, but it seems like weeks have went by. The hate on me has been getting worse and worse. Each one making me think worse and worse about myself.

I was sat on the beige carpeted floor, leaning against Nathan's bed. My legs were pushed up as I hid my phone between me and my legs.

Nathan tweeted, "Ok so the only place that I can get wifi in my hotel room is stood in the shower ... this is really weird."

I laughed, reading his comment. That boy always knew how to make me laugh.

There was a knock on the door.

I looked up to see Ariana smiling at me. "Hey girlie."

"Hey Ariana. What's up?"

"The girls want to go shopping. Do you want to come along?"

I smiled at her and nodded no, "No thanks. You girls have fun."

She nodded, "Okay. Stay safe. We'll be home ASAP."

I smiled at her, "Tell the girls I said bye."

She giggled, "Will do. Bye Dani."

"Bye Ari." and with that she closed the door.

I sat in the same position for what lasted hours.

I was beginning to get worried about the girls. I got ready for bed, changing into my dance shorts, a blank tank top, and one of Nathan's white button ups that I left unbuttoned.

I was in bed, but I couldn't sleep. I stared up at the ceiling.

"Good night, baby. Dream of me tonight. ;)" Nathan texted me.

I gave a small smile. Nathan does love me. Who would ever think this would happen?

But right after that text, my phone began vibrating again with hate.

These weren't just fans anymore hating against me. These were just random people who just want to hate against me for the fun of it.

I looked outside to see the sun beginning to shine, causing the sky to turn a light purple and orange color.

The lads should be home later today. But who knows what will happen.

I headed into the bathroom brushing my hair.

But before I knew it, I was doing my normal routine.

My normal routine of cutting, throwing up. As much as Nathan and the lads tell me to stay strong. As much as the girls care about me. As much as TJ guards over me like I really am his little sister. I just can't escape. I can't escape life. There's no happiness in this world. No matter what happens. Each time I come close to being happy, life has to change it. It's like life doesn't want me happy.

"You tore apart Nathan and Ariana. I know that's your plan. They seem distant! It's all your fucking fault!

"You are such an attention hore! You are a waste of life on this planet!"

"Give up. The lads don't care about you. The girls are so much better than you. Nathan doesn't care about you. NOBODY cares about you. So end it already!"

The comments went on and on. Each time, I just went deeper and deeper. Instead of normal cuts, it seemed different. It seems like I was slicing of pieces of my skin off. That's how bad I was doing it. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I love all of these guys so much.

"Baby?" I heard a call downstairs.


My eyes shut as I brought my knees closer to me. I rested my arms on my knees as I lowered my head. I squeezed my eyes shut as I bit my lower lip tight, trying to keep as quiet as I could, keeping in all of the tears.

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