19) I Knew You Were Trouble

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I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. I fluttered my eyes open to see the sun shining through the window.

"Dani! Are you awake yet?" I heard Ariana knock on the door. "Y-yeah."

She opened the door and was wearing a white button down shirt that she tucked in to a short black shirt that went less than mid thigh. She put it with a black tie and had a dark blue blazer over.

"What do you think?" Kelsey asked as she and Nareesha walked through the door, closing it behind them.

Ariana looked beautiful. As usual. I could never be like that. She is perfect. And she has the perfect boyfriend as well. Which just all adds to the perfect! Why am I so horrible?! Why can't I at least be a bit pretty!! Oh who am I kidding?! I am a monster. I probably have my hair all over the place and everything.

I gave a sigh, but put a smile on my face. "You look beautiful, Ariana. Nathan will love it." I smiled at her.

Her face gleamed. "Thank you. I wasn't sure if he would-"

There was a whistle from behind her. She quickly turned around and there was Nathan leaning on the door way, his arm crossed as he examined Ariana. My heart ached, but I knew I couldn't do anything.

Nathan walked towards Ariana as he wrapped his arms around her waist and swayed back and forth, as he stood behind her. He whispered something in her ear. I had no idea what he said, but it made her blush. I looked down at my hands as my heart fell to the floor and shattered. I didn't show any emotion though. I couldn't.

"I think I am going to go take a shower." Nareesha raised her hands in the air and stretched. I looked up and gave her a smile. She and Kelsey knew about how I felt.

Nareesha left the room, followed by Kelsey. I sighed to myself and headed for the shower.


I changed into an over sized tee and sweats. Let me tell you something about me. I am an unusual person. I have a side to me who dresses in rags, and another that loves to dress up. Weird? Ehh.

I walked into my empty room and fixed my bed. I put on my necklace, I always had on, and headed downstairs. Empty.

I walked towards the kitchen to see a note on my desk. "FINALLY! Haha, just kidding. Well, Dan. We have an interview today. We'll be back around 8 to a special dinner you have set up for us. ;) -The lads"

I raised my eyes brow, but then realized. I am not surprised by this. I should've seen it coming, I mean really. I set the note back down on the table and took a seat at the island.

"Hey darling. How you doing?" My Mum texted me.

"I am doing good. Thank you. I miss you so much. How are you doing?" I texted back.

My dad texted me a picture of him and me on Christmas morning. I smiled at the picture. That year, my dad bought me my first bike. The next day we went biking all day.

I put my phone back into my pocket and made my way to the fridge. What to eat. What to eat. I decided on a simple bowl of cereal. And then of course, the lads want a 'special' dinner. Great.

I finished my bowl and thought about what to make. I decided on making a grilled salmon with seasonal rice and vegetables on the side.

As I started cooking, I decided on turning on some music. I turned on the sound system by the tv. Music helped everything.

When I finished cooking, it was around 3. I put everything nicely onto a plate and covered it with a clear wrap to keep it warm.

As I put the pan into the sink, it slipped from my hands and fell onto my arm. I gripped it arm, and tried holding back a scream. Only air came out. I quickly threw the pan into the sink and ran to my room's bathroom.

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